So we are weirdos haha.
Long wall of texts coming. At this rate, I can write a book on MTEAM... I am finally discussing Pupa in greater depth than before. If you're interested in only spazzing or only in MTEAM's lakorns and promotional works, I recommend you skip this whole post. It's very boring stuff.
hippo said:
Oh and the whole Pupa...Aff cheering is kinda
Yes. Facepalm worthy.
I don't want to be harsh but my honest opinion....the whole situation is disgusting. I realize I may be too critical when compared to other Chalida fans but I agree with Jimieyoushie on this: Chalida makes herself out to be a fool and sometimes I really have no words for her. I've never seen anything so ridiculous. Her affiliation (or more accurately - her public presentation of her affiliation) with Pupa is very "unique." It does not surprise me at all that there are people who confronted her on IG and even criticized her on Pantip. Anyone understand what I mean? Or am I the only one around here who knows of these criticisms and confrontations?
On January 25th, Aff commented on one of Chalida's pics and commented:
"Whose girlfriend is this? So beautiful."
I didn't screen-cap it and I can't screen-cap it now because IG won't show older comments beyond the most recent 150 for some weird reason. However, perhaps antifans or Pupa's FC had already screen-captured it. (By the way, I was the first person who
*discovered* Pupa long before he had a devoted fanclub. I am being totally serious 55555555 even if I am laughing =3 )
This was Pupa's response to Aff's comment:
Huuuuu~~~~~ I don't know about anyone else, but my initial reaction....I cracked up the first time I saw this. It's just.......hahahaha. It's like Pupa's so desperate just like antifans (or antifans desperate just like Pupa???? Mark doesn't even consider Pupa a threat. Mark is rather more worried about James Ma or any one of Chalida's potential male costars.55555)
As usual to mteam's simple disney drama (sarcasm- sarcasm ppl), there are always many layers to the story and so I know there are a number of different ways to interpret this. But for me, it is clear Chalida still has not given in to Pupa's courting even though they seem to hang out with each other almost all the time and even though Pupa seems to be trying to announce to the world he has a girlfriend and his teddy bear// doll seems to represent her existence

....And of course, people will assume it is Mint Chalida Wijitwongthong. I don't blame anyone for believing in this aggressive promotion, just don't start personal shits with me simply because I don't share the same opinion or lash out vindictively just because you've been proven wrong... because those who have done this .... hahahahahaha.
Anyway, Aff's comment may be a tease but I also see it like a sort of pressure. Pupa and his family want to win Chalida over. Her affiliation with Pupa is superficial but it just happens to be overexposed with the help of both mass and social media. This is why I say she does not care about her image when she sends such blatant contradictory messages. She has been called "strawberry" or liar before. It's raeng // harsh but I think she totally deserves it. Serves her right.
Prior to Aff's short comment on IG, Diamond had already denied that Chalida and Pupa are in a relationship. Then after Aff's comment, Mailoo also denied for Chalida.
Ridiculous - yes or no? You have people on Pupa's side trying to insinuate that the two might be in a relationship and then you have people on Chalida's side who denies it for her (yet at the same time they also promote their friendship with Pupa). As for Chalida and her mum, they are soooo nonchalant and careless about the whole situation. Chalida still give her "I could care less about Pupa" attitude whenever reporters ask her about him (yet she goes places with him seemingly all the time). Sometimes, I really wonder what is Pupa's IQ? Because whether they are dating or not, I find it childish how he dedicates at least close to half of his IG account to Chalida-related pictures. Even couples who are openly dating or who have reached the official bf-gf status don't show off this much. (Hippo, I remember we discussed Chalida's words and my translation for
"childlike" and
"childish" last year. With time, I am more and more confident the latter term suits Pupa more than the former lol).
But you know, regardless of what the real answers are about Chalida's affiliation with Pupa, all these people (Chalida and her family, Pupa and his family. etc.) are obviously trolling around and playing with everyone's
BELIEFS. Regardless of what the truth is and regardless of what you believe, everyone's messing around -- one of the few reasons why I can't take this Pupa case seriously. Everyone treat this whole matter like a joke or a game
(that is why they can laugh about it as you will see). They do this by CONTINUOUSLY sending different forms of
contradictory messages using words, actions, and imagery - and they do it hardcore - especially Pupa. Pupa does not miss any opportunity to show off his connections with Chalida. One would think people who are in an intimate relationship would discuss how to protect their privacy and share answers and attitudes that are more in sync with one another. But I don't think they share intimate conversations or value their "relationship" since they are sending contradictory messages and since even the family members are in disagreement.
Diamond deleted all of his pictures a few weeks ago, so I don't remember the exact date. However, Diamond's response was prior to Aff's "tease" (But like I said, I see it more like a pressuring comment lol).
Fan: So in conclusion, Mint and Pupa are more than friends right, Nong Mon?
Diamond: @saizuy_kd Siblings krub. *shy smile*
Pupa: Can you handle it (Wai a pao) ? @Diamond @Toby
HA @Pupa @Diamond @Toby @Mailoo
Diamond: *PEACE SIGNS* @Pupa @ Patty
These are just texts but we can still try to gauge into their live reactions. It seems like Mailoo, Toby, and Patty must have really laughed hard. Granted, they must have been laughing at Diamond's predicament but their laughing still betrays their nonchalant and careless attitude towards the issue about Chalida and Pupa. It is not a real issue they consider serious. So we can try to understand. If someone had asked you a ridiculous question that had no truth to it, you might laugh. This is a normal and natural reaction. But if someone asked you a question that exposed some truth that you do not want revealed, would your raw, genuine, and instinctive reaction be to laugh?
Just saying. Imagine yourself in their shoes. I can't imagine myself or anyone close to me laughing in response to such a question if I wanted to keep my relationship a secret.
So Diamond denied for Chalida and then his friends and brother seemingly laughed like hyenas without hesitation. They treat the matter like a joke or a game (playing with people's
BELIEFS). Or maybe just the idea of Chalida and Pupa dating sound very absurd to them? The only one not laughing is Pupa.
Anyway, another interesting comment from a guy name kenta_bundit. If you check his IG, he is supposedly from ABAC University. This is the university that Chalida's cousin, Pekcharn, graduated from. I remember Chalida said this is one of the reasons why Pupa knows her family. Pupa is friends with her relatives because they attend the same universities.
kenta_bundit: There is a certain someone who intends to ride on Mint's fame in order to become a celebrity. Everyone in the department hates this person. We all know this person's hypocritical personality. Guess who I am referring to. @Mint @Patty @Pupa
Note: I translated the phrase as "hypocritical" but the literal words in Thai is more like: "In front, he respectfully greets you but behind your back he tricks you." This same guy had also slandered Patty before. Drama much? Diamond deleted all of his pictures just a few hours after I print scanned the comment.
Speaking of Chalida's cousin, Pekcharn, I remember he had defended Chalida last year in the summer when an antifan had spammed Chalida's IG. It was hilarioussssss and goldddddd. I remember I scanned the various comments this antifan made but ever since I organized my photobucket, I forgot I must have deleted many photos.
Coincidental or not, this anti lashed out after I had made the "Mark Wants To Play KCR Part 4" post back in August last year. That is, this poor soul lashed out after insiders revealed pictures of
mteam flirting with each other in the set of Khun Chai Ronnapi......LOLLLLzzz.
Jealous - check. Butthurt - check. They couldn't contain their nang rai impulses and behaviors anymore. The most hilarious part is when they questioned Chalida's "closeness" to Mark. Poor sports hate to lose / be wrong and antifans' interpretations about M&M are usually always dead wrong. Prin and Chalida were close since the beginning, people. Hypocrites out there just chose to shut their ears and eyes and minds to things they did not want to know whilst accusing others for supposedly doing this - turning a deaf ear and blind eye. It's HYPOCRISY. People think they can justify their beliefs just because the media is on their side and just because the loud gossips support their ideas.
So much hate. Some people can't stand seeing so much real love between and for M&M. SMH. This is also considering Chalida is not promoted hardcore by the channel. Imagine if she was, her haters would
DIE. So this is why we have said although MTEAM may not be so fortunate when it comes to lakorns and other promotional works, they still have something very much to be envied - why so much hate when M&M are already at such a huge disadvantage in terms of lakorns and other promotional works, hrmmm? Obvious to me. The reality is, even the rich can envy the poor and
But I'm digressing. I touched upon Diamond, Pekcharn, and now it is Mailoo's turn.
On February 25th, Chalida made spaghetti for her university professor with the help of her younger brother, Moss. However, Pupa was also there and benefited from this event by posting a photo onto his Instagram as per usual. Some fans confronted Chalida and this time, Mailoo denied Chalida's relationship with Pupa.
Fan: You made it for P'Pupa right?
Chalida: Plao na kao tum hai ah jarn. (No, I did it for my professor).
Fan: You guys are bf-gf, why do you have to lie? I want you to speak the truth.
Fan: That's right. Exactly what is it, so I that I don't have to wait and cheer for you with Mark.
Fan: Truth about what?
Fan: Truth that she is Pupa's girlfriend so that other people cannot criticize her and she won't be slandered.
P kao yung bpen puern gun dee tee sood laew (pom huang) = They are
still friends that is the best already (I am protective)
Fan: @Mailoo *thumbs up* Nong Mint had already said they are friends first.
Fan: @Mailoo He answered clearly. Other people should also be clear like this.
Fan: Nong @Mailoo is so adorable. There is protectiveness towards big sis.
I'm not sure how to translate Chalida's words so that the nuances can be perfectly captured but her words in Thai tells me she is carrying a nonchalant and playful attitude. In turn, such an attitude (in additional to other insights) gives me the impression that she wants people to think she is dating Pupa. Or she really just doesn't give a damn. There are many other moments like this. She denies and denies but her attitude is very nonchalant. She doesn't take anything related to Pupa seriously and seems to view this all like a game and joke. Like when she uploaded that bear Pupa bought her, her chats with her homegirls were very teasingly and childish to me. I expect a different kind of attitude if people confronted her about her real boyfriend.
(I.E. When P'Num asked if M&M love each other for real, Chalida did not play along because ... I can only assume she doesn't take it as a joke. She was probably blushing secretly because she takes concerns related to Mark Prin seriously. But with Pupa, it's the opposite.... The girl is just ridiculous and annoying. Sometimes, I feel sorry for Pupa. We must feel sorry for all of MTEAM's victims)
But isn't Mailoo just adorable? Sometimes, I have a very good feeling he really likes Mark. He is a Sagittarius and Mark's moon sign is also in Sagittarius. Okay, I will stop even though I could go on with my astrology but I'm typing up too much already.
Anyone also remember when Mailoo followed Mark but then unfollowed? I also saw he liked a few of Mark's pictures after Chalida had uploaded the tamagotchi on her Instagram.
mintwix said:
Perhaps the brothers would want Prin as their brother-in-law too. LOL.
tidbits from IG of Chalida's brothers I found that are related to
mteam. A few of these was shared at mteam forum months ago....
Diamond agrees MTEAM is
REAL. HAHAHA. I saw Diamond liked this picture of mteam before he left for India.
I also saw Mark liked Chalida's picture with her brother, Diamond, before she sent him off for India. But I did not scan it.
Nothing important, but Diamond also refer to himself and his girlfriend as
M&M. Chalida had also commented but then deleted her comment for some reason.
This summer, I saw the admin of princhalida IG tagged Diamond. They wrote: "Waiting for
M&M." My guess is that Diamond probably made a comment but deleted it later.
last month or so, Chalida's mom had also tagged Diamond on her
instagram of mteam's picture. I don't think Diamond was active on IG
during this time but she tagged him.
youngest brother, Mailoo, is a big fan of MTEAM. 55555 He follows
whatever mteam IG he finds. I think right now he is following at least 5
different ones.
ago, Mailoo commented on Mark's IG. He also followed Mark but when I
checked again he unfollowed already. ????? Mystery as usual.
Mailoo: Handsome and beautiful krub. B)