sarNie Adult
040156 said:
YES YES! I totally agree with the "SHY" part. That's what makes it so KYAAAAAAH! :woot: I'm a bit sad they took out that part in the BTS clips where they were singing by the terrace door then JJ looks, quite conceitedly, to his left where Yaya is then yaya suddenly goes kyaah! :hide: . Even JJ's character, for all his conceitedness, still looked "shy" enough when he's touching and smiling at Yaya's character.
They didn't come off that much as looking like siblings in the MV for me, though in most pics, they do look like siblings. I really hope they get to act as siblings someday. If I had magical powers, ala Goddess of Lakorns, I'll probably put them in a lakorn wherethey are twins or something and Yaya is the upbeat and fiesty twin, while JJ is the nerdy twin, but he gets to be all protective of her when she starts liking this "bad boy" guy (Uhhh I dunno, James Ma? Oh my god. Yaya and James Ma and James Ji in one lakorn. I die. Oh wait, this is only my imagination :wackonut: ) who just happens to be the crush of James Ji's crush ..... Toey Jarinporn? Ok I'll stop now. I'm having fangirl hallucinations.
Can't wait for this Lakorn to air. I'm still torn on whether I should watch the Ken-Janie version or not.
I was talking on the whole basis :secret: . But now that you mentioned I have to clarify that in the MV they don't look like siblings for sure but for me they still haven't striked as a "couple" couple na. So I am waiting for that to happen in the lakorn. But the more number of times I see the MV that more they are suiting as a couple hehe
Even I also wanted to see that but no idea why they cut the scene which they showed in BTS :scratchhead2:
I Hope "Goddess of Lakorn" grants you that magic coz even i would like to see them as siblings in a lakorn, they as twins in the lakorn even better. And I would like to see Yaya with Mario or JamesMa also :woot: