I think the no marriage license thing is because they want the license to be between Saran and Rinrapee, not Buralee. Yeah she did legally change her name but its still not her name if you know what I mean.
Saran was like a little kid today lol. I liked all the teasing between them. I also finally get Saran too. He can't quite let go of Duang because she was 1 of 2 people that didn't abandon him after the family went bankrupt and his biggest insecurity is that. I also get why he can't quite fully commit to Rin either. He knows she's lying about her identity and he asked her straight up to pick between him and her parents and Rin chose her parents. I mean I would too if I was Rin so I'm not blaming her. But from Saran's POV Duang chose her parents over him too, and all he wants is someone to put him first in their life. I don't think Duang chose her parents over him the way Rin is though. She chose money over him and only when she figured out that hubby 2 was broke did she go back to the other broke hubby.
Other than that, I love all the friend-zoning going on. But poor Chalat, he's not even worth to be put there.
Sorry I couldn't understand the dialogue. I would appreciate it if someone could tell us more about it. Was Saran still unable to decide between Rin and Duang
The conversation on the bed? It wasn't really a choice between Rin and Duang. It was more like Saran can't admit what he feels for Rin, cause of her lie. But i think she thinks its because of Duang.
S: if you didn't run away with that wide mouth guy, when are you coming home?
R: I want to ask you a question, why did you follow me? What meaning do I have for you? You don't have an answer right? I don't either. If we can't answer each other's question, our lives will be messy. You look stressful, can't laugh anymore can you?
S: What do you mean to me?
R: Yeah. If you can find an answer I'll go back with you. If not, I won't go back.
So Saran won't commit to her until she does and proves it to him. And Rin won't commit to him until he does it first lol. Let's see who cracks first. My money is on Saran.