sarNie Oldmaid
Lol. Well, Kim is clearly Anne's favorite. :ghehe:
AsianFemale said:Not trying to be mean or anything but Ann please pick somebody else beside that girl Kim....
Sweet_JJ said:
My dear, James Ma has grown, I'm not saying he's towering JJ, but for sure they're the same height now. People don't stop growing at the same time. JMA is a late bloomer. JJ stopped growing, James has grown ALOT since the SJ days. That picture of Pope and James, Pope is known to wear heels lol. Using pictures when James was merely 18-19 isn't much use lol. Maybe because of his physique you think he's short? But claiming James is short as Nadech or Pope is funny. If you think 183-185 cm is short I don't know what else to say lol.
Here's a picture of JMA and Pat, she's 172 cm and still growing, she's wearing heels, if James is short she would've towered over him:
James and Kim (Kim was wearing heels, notice she's around his nose with heels):
James and Yaya
Pics for 1 1/2 year ago:
Notice how James is a little taller than Mark? Shows he's tall now no?
Sweet_JJ said:
Lol no problem ^^ Just wonder why she thinks he's short? He was already tall before, he just got taller now. Nangfah11 made me feel like James is a midget. Unless she thinks 183-185cm is a midget lol.
Sweet_JJ said:
Lol thing is many fans who met in person say he's tall, with all this evidence and eyewitnesses that's enough proof that he's tall, despite JMA's phyisique. In Sapai Jao Pope is wearing heels next to Namtarn like 95% of the time.
One thing for sure, James is tall enough for tall n'eks that's all that matters lol.
Sweet_JJ said:
I think it will do a fitting 2 two weeks as well, they're already starting to prepare the wardrobe and they're starting to write the script.
Sweet_JJ said:
The idea of James finally in modern clothes for a lakorn makes me cry. Lol.
Sweet_JJ said:
Lol Anne is in her honeymoon phase as a producer, every production is somewhat bias. Honestly she might have chosen Kim because her schedule is free. Anything is possible. All productions sooner or later keep casting their favorites, not just Anne. At least she chose a different actor. ^^ I'm sure sooner or later when Anne totally retires and becomes a producer she'll choose different n'eks. Anne is someone picky on casting, they have to have HUGE potential or catch her eyes to be casted by her.But I understand what you're coming from.
Did i hurt your feeling? Awww of course I'm not planning to watch her lakornsadsd18/2 said:
i guess well not guess am sure you didn't read the previous pages so let me put it short kim and james are already confirmed from james's mouth so that's for your request for anne is refused here do it in another thread that had anne production , one more thing you are mean and disrespectful "that girl kim" <_< you don't like her don't watch her is simple as that there's other people who want her here not everything go as your taste respect others too
i pity you your heart is full of hate that all i have to say after reading your comment i don't want to waist more time replying to people like you is useless, peaceAsianFemale said:Did i hurt your feeling? Awww of course I'm not planning to watch her lakornsYes that Kim girl!
heart__mk said:I agree, it looks like Diana may be in this lakorn!
Does it look like James Ma has grown taller since he started acting?
Looking forward to this lakorn!