I just finished watching this Lakron. Loved it! It was exciting and interesting.
I think the victim blame thing for Pim was not related just to the cheating, I think it was her long-term unwillingness to see Jai Reung as she truly was starting from when they were younger, like when Jai Reung broke her award and Wan tells Pim she thinks Jai Reung broke it and Pim makes excuses for her. She continued to make excuses for Jai Reung even into adulthood. Jai Reung was always back-stabbing and manipulative - she knew Pim liked Rerg and so she went after him; if that's not back-stabbing, I don't know what is. But Pim always had an excuse for her "Jai Reung didn't mean to/ Jai Reung wouldn't think like that" or telling everyone else not to think too much when it was obvious.
It basically took Jai Reung stealing her husband for Pim to "open her eyes" and face the reality that Reung is a bad PERSON, not just friend, but a bad person, so I kind of get where everyone was coming from on that count. It's not really blame the victim, because obviously Rerg and Jai Reung made the decision to have sex, but at the end of the day, many people warned her about who Jai Reung was as a person and she also showed her true self many times to Pim but Pim chose to ignore it; there is an old saying "When People Show You Who They Are, Believe Them" and Pim never wanted to believe.
I also resonated with the words Rerg's dad gave Pim at the temple; unsuitable thing (staying with your newlywed friends) unsuitable time (they just got married and moved in) and unsuitable person (selfish backstabber who is also your husbands ex). Yes, you should be able to trust your friends, but Pim had this sort of blind loyalty that made her susceptible, at the end of the day, when you're married, you're supposed to make decisions as a family, and Pim decided on her own to let her HUSBANDS EX stay with them...sorry, I don't care how "positive" a person you are, that's plain foolish. She blamed Rerg for all the issues instead of understanding how uncomfortable that might be for him. When everyone else also took his side, she played the violins for Jai Reung, it was always "she's pitiful" yea, but she's also a user and extremely selfish and his EX who hurt him really bad so....
Wan was kind of annoying too, I don't get why she didn't understand why Therd wouldn't want Jai Reung back; she basically forced him into debt with her extravagant spending and she never loved him, just liked that he was rich. Also, I didn't understand why Wan didn't want Pim to get divorced even after it was discovered that Jai Reung was pregnant. The cheating, OK, but when the girl was pregnant, I didn't understand the "why does everything have to end in divorce?" ...that was silly to me.