Yea he isis the pip guy playing the husband who cheats on his wife?
i know right! I really miss Janie too! I've been re-watching her lakorns. The recently one i just got done watching wereAh, the whole cast made me so excited, i'm so waiting for RN, it 's time to see Janie again, really miss her
lol, i love SNSC too, everytime i've been sad, always take it out and rewatch, then have a good laugh, Paul and her are hilarious, she and Paul's sister are so cute too, another leading actress, i don't like her in other lakorns, but SNSC, she 's so funnyi know right! I really miss Janie too! I've been re-watching her lakorns. The recently one i just got done watching were
Sompong nong Somchai. Ha. I love that lakorn; it was my third time re-watching it. hahaha
Yay!!! Finally a BTS for this lakorn!!! So happy!!!!