ok , I'm playing catch up , so far it's good ! but i don't like how the second couple & third couple take away the main couple screen time!! The Surian dude is ANNOYING , his face expression doesn't suit his character or was it just bad acting ? * headaches* . I LOVE how Pu man handle Tawan HAHA but she alway fight back & try not to be intimidated by him even though she shaken inside LOL . Aum's acting are so goood . His eye expression in the scene where he went to see his EX gf & she end up smashing his head ! Poor baby!!! He so violence & temperamental that everyone fear him but i feel it's just a defence mechanisms to protect him from his vulnerable. Tawan is able to stand up against him w/ no fear , she going break down his wall soon and we'll see that big soft teddy bear inside lolll