@key you're welcome!! there's another new champagne magnum flavour, it looks real good and definitely no alcohol content ^^ and as always i love your comment! hehe they have the couple-look/face, people who do not know them will naturally think they are newlyweds! i believe nadech is wise enough to know that yaya is the one for him, just like he is the one to her :heart:
@lu thanks for the pix!! yaya looks like nangfah in the first pic, so pure and elegant even when walking on the travelator! the the second pic, they look like one big loving family! we just need to include both side dads and it will be complete

and yes the grgr scene when nangfah gave saichon and back hug, it will so sweeeet!! like it the most natural thing to do! :heart:
@yukie welcome!!! yay, another from sg!! ^^ hehe please don't be silent, spazz with us more!! sometimes, you just can't contain your feelings for yadech so its better to voice it out here lol..! actually im not wondering already, i believe they are an item. even if they are not, just like lu said, they must be special in each other's heart. just like what yaya said - nadech is EVERYTHING to her :heart: the word everything, i believe is a best friend, a confidant, an adviser, whatever she can depend/rely on and put her trust into. i will strongly root for them regardless of whatever they claim to be!
goodness what is he doing..! just sawadee krub?? hehe cheeky nadech!
cr: @