[Ch3] Rising Sun Series 2: Roy Fun Tawan Duerd (Makers Y)


sarNie Adult
Hi Ladies,
I came back and wow thanx for everyones posts there all equally cute, funny and as sweet as ever. I would love to thank each and every person but right now my hand is not letting me type as good aka exhaustion. You know who you are but how about this anyone who's name starts with any of these letters  ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV WXYZ gets a..... :clap:  :thumbup:  :thanks:  :clap2: .
here is a sneak peak at RYU's house I persume


Vimalee said:
The novel of Nadech's new lakorn "Wind Hidden Love" with Taew and Patricia is number 1 on the E-BOOK.
Can't wait to hear what Yaya's new lakorn will be and with whom!
Number 2, 7, 9, and 10 are the CUBIC series and there was a rumor that Yaya will be in one of them.

credit:  Nadechworld FB
hi Vimalee
to be honest i'm not really excited being a yadech addicted fan and a possessive fan call me crazy but it's ok :woot:
i'm confident without me watching nadech's lakorn with another nang ek will never affect his career bec his fan base is so huge. i will just support him against his haters and by patronizing the products he endorses :scratchhead2:
i wish by the time nadech's new lakorn without yaya is airing advertisers and event producers will compensate us by having more yadech CFs and events and photoshoots together every now and then just like this year so that yadech will still be visible together :cheer:


cookiies said:
I'm going to be really honest, most of the time I come to AF I just stays in this thread or some of yaya's lakorn threads. I never go to Nadech's lakorns threads at all. And it is not because I don't support him, I always support nadech no matter what and I love him as much as I love yaya. But the reason why I never goes to his lakorn threads is because SOME PEOPLE just have to drag Yaya into his lakorns threads, and it always end up that they are talking shit about Yaya. It's like when nadech got pair up with Kim, during that time I remember how much shit Yaya got. And it does get tiring since no matter how much you want to support nadech but you know that Yaya always end up getting bash by the nangeks fans or some of nadech's fans. I'm not saying that all their fans is bad, but just SOME of them.. And I'm praying that Pat and Taew's fans won't be like SOME of kim's fans. 
I'm saying all this since u girls might never see me on nadech's lakorn threads when I was the one that made it. 
It's just make me feel better if I just avoid going to those threads. 
P.S Why don't we just make a new yadech thread when RS is finish? even if they might not have a lakorn, but we can still create a thread for us to talk with each other. right? 
LOL why am I thinking about it now, the lakorn isn't even near done yet. I even get a feeling that Lom Son Ruk will be done before RS. But that's a good thing since we get to watch nadech's lakorn while waiting for RS ^^ 
hi cookiies
i agree with you whenever RS is finish we can always have the best option to create a yadech thread so whatever yadech activities we see we can freely discuss over there.
about other fans bashing yaya let them bash to their hearts content our yaya still end up the winner for always being with nadech even w/o lakorns together and she has many CFs alone and always doing merits with nadech together :cheer:and nadech smitten by yaya :heart: 
the bashers are just being bitter bec their idol has zero chemistry with nadech unlike with yaya.insecure people tend to bash just like them :woot2: 


sarNie Hatchling


sarNie Oldmaid
Hi sasha hope bst hv tended 2yr nose bleed! Thanks 4miu2 link sasha!
Hi yk as usual i like reading yr tots n agree wif u on yr views esp yaya wif her future in law, she fits like a glove in family pic, i heart it alot!
Thanks alot lovely 4 yr time posting sneak home of ryu despite being so tired, appreciate it, rest well lovely!


sarNie Adult
a thai fan told me that in the interview they asked about if she knew the news that she might be paired up with jj and she said she didnt know, everything depends on ch3. and she said she didnt think her fc would anti the other actresses who was going to work with nadech.
sorry, i dont like yaya to pair with jj, she could pair with anyone but jj. i dont want any comparison news again between jj and nadech if yaya gets working with him. it is for sure if yaya really works with him, there will be full of the news to compare NY and jj/yaya, i hate all those stupid comparisons and can they just stop always putting nadech in jj's news :angry: ?
ok, i dont have any rights to say something about their job, i only can deliver my own emotion even it is nothing to anyone. well, i can declare myself as a jj-anti fan today, his feminin looking and always same smile mode make me sick, but it is not the reason to make me anti him, i dont like him because of the way how his group uses nadech too much for comparison to make him getting more attentions.who said he would not accept any endorsements and events but only focus on filming? and the reality is "wawww, he gets higher endorsement price than nadech" "he gets 300,000 baht as nadech does for attending events" and blah blah blah...., what a joke, no endorsements no events, so why he accepts it now and always gets compared with nadech??!!!  i m sick of those constantly news from him which always get nadech involved. besides, in my mind, he has nothing :thumbdown:  to compare with nadech (i admit that i m bias but i wont change my mind at all :whistle: )
it is the second time having this pair up news spreads around, maybe this time would be true. obviously jj's group tried so hard to make news for pairing with yaya since begining and getting some fans cheering for them to make ch3 thinking it is a good choice for pairing yaya and jj, wawww, "seperating NY fans and beat nadech down" :annoyed: , what a good idea :lmao3: !! but it is impossible coz New York is always New York and NY is always NY....lol!
whoever these two kids would pair up with, NY, the image of the best kookwan will never be replaced easily and NY fans r always there :thumbup: .
whatever jj's group wants to do in future, pls dont drag nadech involved all the time, and just leave that boy along!!!
cr: as tagged

ps: :shrug:  sorry to anyone who might be not comfortable by my post, i dont want to offense any fans of jj here, :wink: only my personal bias, nothing related to this thread, nadech fans or NY fans here.


sarNie Oldmaid
thank u charlenem putting yr tots down, u'll n surprised a no of us share da same opinion as u just didnt jot it down ! im proud of u expressing bravely ! love yr artwork its beautiful ! thanks 4 posting so many pic 4 us charlenem, i love grgr 1s, nadech v hot, possessive n v in love !


sarNie Adult
thanks @ key for always supporting :flowers: , and i didnt make that photo, it is made by ny club....lol! ok,i think i should add the credit there first...hahaha! :coverlaf:
on set nadech
cr snoppy 0711

cr:as tagged
his new endorsement of samsung printer? or it is an old photo?

finish job today
