thanks paul, tats awesome since her bf wasnt wif her, he can view n admire her in private.paul4nr said:Hi nett! they tagged keaw_jung so her boyfriend can see the photo lol
Sisie said:Hello everyone, I'm Sisie. I'm Yaya Thai FC . After I only had read silently, this is 1st time I say hello you guys. I'm glad to know that many International fans love Yaya like me.
Now, here has a vote activity and I hope you guys will interest it. :spin:
Attention please all our international fans, please give a big support to Yaya to win the most popular actress
from Komchadluek Award by voting in website
The process as below,
1. Go to website
2. Fill in information in the box, (I will write thai alphabet for you to for cross check)
- First line box (ชื่อ-นามสกุล) - Name and Family name
- Second line box (หมายเลขติดต่อ) - Telephone Number
- Third line box (อีเมล) - Email
- Fourth line box (นักแสดงชายยอดนิยม) - The popular actor (You can choose whatever)
- Fifth line box (นักแสดงหญิงยอดนิยม) - The popular actress (This is important!!!)
The word in the box mean "choice" in Thai is "เลือก" Then u choose the name of Yaya, her name is in the middle choice
in Thai is "อุรัสยา เสปอร์บันด์" Please be careful that u choose the right one, cross check with our Thai alphabet
- Sixth and Seventh line box are not concerned, choose whatever
- The Eighth line box (ละครไทยยอดนิยม) - The popular drama , please choose second choice "Down Rueng" or in Thai is
"ดาวเรือง" This drama, Yaya is the leading role
- The Ninth line box is not concerned, choose whatever
The last process is to confirm by key in the right mathematics calculation in the box and press the grey button (โหวต) fore vote
Please also spread this news to all fans and remember you can vote in every "10 minutes" and can re-vote in different browser ( as IE, Chrome & Firefox or others )
huanzhu said::thanks: & :welcome1: @Sisie for joining us here .
for [Fourth line box (นักแสดงชายยอดนิยม) - The popular actor (You can choose whatever) can u pls at least let us know who are we voting for :scratchhead2:
:thanks: again Sisie !!!Sisie said:6 names of The popular actor ,ka
เจมส์ จิรายุ ตั้งศรีสุข <-- James Jirayu
ณเดชน์ คูกิมิยะ <-- Nadech
ยุธนา เบื้องกลาง <-- Toomtam The star
สุกฤษฎ์ วิเศษแก้ว <-- Bie Sukrit
เจมส์ มาร์ <-- James Ma
เจษฎาภรณ์ ผลดี <-- Tik Jetsadaporn