I finally could catch up from my recent post posted just a few days ago, not even a week yet on page 922 and yet we are on page 929 already. We will reach to page 1000, guys!! :bravo: to everyone for keeping this thread so lively and active. I have read everyone's post and did have a difficult time of trying to gather my thoughts. So here they go:
chaitra, No addiction rehab, but depression will kick in and I will need to see a specialist or take medicines for it

. I will definitely share my creations if I created any. Yup! Yadech is the best couple for me too! I really want to be like that Akiko trying to steal Nadech/Ryu but I could not, just could not, this tells how much I want Yadech to be together :lmao3:. Yeah! Save our sadness for now until we have a session, we can all pour them out or else I may be depressed

preciouskj, LOL, yes! me too. Right now I could not bear to watch their lakorns without them being a couple in it. I wish to support them by other means, I do not live in Thailand, and I am not Thai so there are support limits, that is a bummer. LOL, me too! Other couples I had shipped before do not cause severe addiction to me. I do hope they are seeing each other, getting to know more about each other. They are still young, still have lots of years in the entertainment industry. People could lose their track in this industry, I hope they never do and when the right time comes, I hope they will be life partners and have a wedding at the beach. This reminds me of TNNKK. I think their relationship got serious during the filming of TNNKK so the beach may have significant meanings for them

yayakugimiya, I agree. Doing merits not only helping others, one who does it will build up their good karma also.
MrsChum, thank you for the pictures of Nadech at the watch event. Could not he ever get any handsomer? I really want to sandwich his face with my hands like Nangfah did to Saichon in GRGR

Lovely_k, thank you for the clip and translation about Nadech buying house.
Nadech may be goofy sometimes, but behind that goofiness is
a man with plans. Any man who has plans for his future and execute them is a man a woman could depend on. I hope the lucky woman he did the planning for is Yaya. She will have handfuls of little ones, all 7 hehehe teasing her like their daddy :lmao3:.