:hapbday: Lovely_k!

arty: Wish you all the best and that all your birthday wishes may come true. Thank you very much for being so kind in sharing your skills and time with others dear. Hope you may have lots of good things coming in your life in many years to come.
Dear Key - Ryu and Mayumi's wedding is set to go in hours, so no I can't support you on it now. Nadech and Yaya will have to wait their own turn latter on. :bhehe:
Dear RakLakornNYK - you were just camping on RFTD thread and that's great. I am glad to see your hard fan working sharing while enjoying your free time here as well. And by the way I do think Nadech took other people and things's pictures for his project works and assinmentes, but his favourites because of the light and.....3 Zaap show last year...his words not mine... :whahuh: and our eyes. :camera: :coverlaf:
Del Rey - I do think Yuji will... :shutup: ....but who will.... :shutup: ...I have my guess and my vote, but... :locked:...I forgot how to try to make the spoiler thing now.

If it happens to be, who I think it will be.... you will have to trust me on it latter on.
Chai - I am here. :hiya:

opcorn: Thanks for inviting me and everyone else dear, but can you put me to a workers' list in the wedding instead of attending as a guest? Akiko may be there and I just have only two arms for trying to contain anyone that may try to do something against her before the wedding finishes, just the thought scares me. :eyetwitch: Even if we have a "no touch Akiko's neck before they say I do" rule or agreement...I don't know it still feels risky. :loool: Imagine how can she give her congrats to the bride and groom...it can be hard. My favorite spot would be the kitchen, because after watching the wedding, RM will be busy with the guests and I can save some food for us....because we know Ryu has a health stomach and thinks about food quite often.
Bong Mao - I totally understand your feelings, it is a journey ending again :teary: but these are some of the moments we were waiting so long for it. So let's go to enjoy them together.

Congrats to Nadech and Yadech for their awards and congrats to the song writer of the song and of the songs we love in RS Ost as well. He wrote them all.
I am ready to join the Onizuka family fight :numchuck: if it is needed :gungirl: let's bring the guns so they can fight with honor and pride until the end :ninja: . Right beside everybody let's see the bad guys going down and finger cross not to lose anyone else on the good people side. :teary: