LOL .....that the most important item for all of us. Why ...bcuz we might be fainted due to the overdose sweet moment by YADECH !!!chaitra said:Haunzhu, Nooooooooooooooooooooo Japan is the other way, TURN AROUND ........ And what are we going to do with oxygen tank when we will be busy eating.
PLAN: We will kidnap Yadech....... I mean they are the president to our club so how can we leave them there. Just Kidding..... ervie: ervie: ervie:
ALL you lovely ladies please stop feeling bad. Lets enjoy the last episode to the fullest and then we all will cry together. We will have to deal with withdrawal after RS ends. :lmao: :dance3:
chaitra said:MEMBERS OF ONIZUKA READY????? :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
Another 3-4 hours to go. ARE you ready to get on the plane one last time and dive into Japan??? Dont forget to pack your fighting clothes :numchuck: :gungirl: :whip: :ninja: :arrg: and a beautiful dress for the WEDDING ervie: :spin: :yahoo: :cloud9:
"YADECH EXPRESS" will depart in few minutes. ALL ABOARD.
Alphabetical Attendence...
Ana978, AsianFemale, Autumn21,
Bella, Bipi, Bubba, Bubbles8,
CandyFruit, Cecilia, Ceda_lee, Chulie, Cool, CupidCandy,
Daai, Dal, Dariey, DelRey, Didieyadech,
Falada, Faythele, Fea4567, Finpeo, Fresh, Fuzzi,
Gizem, Gloriawongpuapan, GrudgePrincess, Gyuri,
ImmaSingaholic, Ilovedean33,
Jjinxx, JomaCar2k6, JuneMaiko, Junyukio,
Keylargo, Kikichue1, Kolkol, Lakornkiki, LakornWatchers, Lazie, LazyDramaFan, Lilya, Lilyalana, Lis94, Lovely_k, Lya, Lynnyang,
M9seateurn1, Maiko, Mayag, Maytaneechao, Meenia, Meysealee, Milova, Miss Bouakham, MrsChum, Miss Sunny, Ms.Zoe, Mz-Em
Nannkham, Naya,
OHOaddict,, Phatman, Pinky3, Preciouskj, Ptenchik, Queenyeon,
RakLakornNYK, RakYadech,
Saki, Samn09, Sasha, Sharfa93, Sbssesed, Songngukp, Soso68, Spanky, Suprab Buroot Satan,
Taothongg, Taytay702, Thai-Lakorn-Fan-Forever, Tinah, Totobon, Tmtj,
[SIZE=14.3999996185303px]Vimalee, [/SIZE]
X0unerthanlater, Xauxi,
YayaKugimiya, Yearoo, Yukielim
Im so sorry if I have forgotten anyone, Nevertheless all of you guys are invited including our lovely silent readers out there....
chaitra said:Haunzhu, we made YayaKugimiya ditch oxygen tank business, because to revive 95 members is toooooo difficult and Yk would be late coz she had to bring all the tanks. So you think we will let you be late. No way. Ditch the tank and lets go babe. Lets die in sweetness....
Its not just a simple nangfah saichon 2 minute wedding, its not Athit Darunee register marrigage, its not Fai Jeed western style wedding (not that i mind these). ITS a procedure wedding with a lot of tradition and vows and whatnot.. SO EXCITED..... :woot: :woot: :woot:
@huanzhu, are you watching RFTD right now? OMG, YADECH look very hot in every scene... thanksss for the oxy tank.dear. i almost died because of our YADECH hotness and sweetness!huanzhu said:am part of oxygen tank group ...I cannot leave them esp key, bubba, vimalee and ......( who else :scratchhead2: :crush: )
@tmtj : :scooter: :scooter: :scooter: :scooter: :scooter: coming !!!