[Ch3] Rising Sun Series 2: Roy Fun Tawan Duerd (Makers Y)


sarNie Adult
I love how King and Queen are written in their caps ♡ because that's indeed what they are for most of us hehehe yet another ny magazine to look forward to!


i love the way this picture was being captured when yaya open her mouth and breath towards nadech we can clearly see how yadech is used to kiss each other lips to lips or mouth to mouth :kiss3:  :coverlaf:  :coverlaf:  :coverlaf: this picture can never lie :secret:

and this is barry's responce ......he feels more butteflies in his stomach :coverlaf:  :blush:


Mrs James Ma
Andrew on 3zaap show said something about Nadech. I think Nadech gave Andrew his wakeboard?


Mrs James Ma

“Nadech” said missing “Yaya” Didn't go on a trip traveling abroad together. . . Now the lead actress Koojin “Yaya Urassaya Sperbund” packed a bag and went traveling to Spain with her family. Haven’t seen each other for many days. When we have a chance to meet with Nadech Kugimiya in the event Dental Health Exhibition at Central World, we cannot miss a chance to ask him about it. . . Nadech said “Now NongYaya is traveling abroad, its a family trip. Saw photos on IG it is lovely. Its good that she traveling happily with her family grab. Have a chance to rest once in a while after working so heard. I have asked her how is the trip, is it fun? I didn’t go with her because I have to work. Each of us has works to do but Nog Yaya able to clear her schedule so she can travel grab. At this period, we dirndl have time to meet each other. Didn’t see her for quite sometime, I feel like missing her too krab. For a belated trip together, that's depend on the occasion. As for NongYaya graduation ceremony. I have to check me schedule again, to see if I have any work that day. If I cannot go that day, We might have to have a meal together later krab.
Lastly, for the criticism that say i’m no suitable for Nataraj Award. I didn’t know about this. I didn’t think of it as my award, but its the award for “The Rising Sun” team and everyone that devoted themselves to work on this together. And when I have a chance to get the award. I have to respect and accept it krab.
cr space4ny


Mrs James Ma

Beautiful, gorgeous fashion style “Yaya”. Family trip/Summer Greece. “Yaya” holiday trip with family during summer in Greece. Beautiful and good looking outfit, makeup and hair. She is still a rising star and super hot actress even though she have been in the entertainment industry for many years already “Yaya-Urassaya Sperbund”. Recently she have a holiday trip traveling with her family during summer in Greece. Because of her busy schedule all year long, its quite hard for “Yaya” to find a time to relax. So when she get a chance to travel “Yaya” is go all out with beautiful, good looking fashion outfit, makeup and hair. Because she have to keep update and posting photo on IG @urassayas for her fans push the Like button again and again. And people teasing her, why didn’t she invite he closest brother “Nadech Kugimiya” to traveling with her?, or maybe they will have another trip just the two of them?
cr space4ny


thanks Steps
can you imagine what will happen to all the NYers in the whole world if YADECH will have a long vacation in Europe alone without their moms? :pervie:  :pervie:  :pervie: i guess :cloud9:  will be fully booked and all NYers will be admitted to a MENTAL FACILITY or institute :rofl:  :lmao3:  :coverlaf: