[Ch3] Rising Sun Series 2: Roy Fun Tawan Duerd (Makers Y)


sarNie Juvenile
Awwwww they r toooooo cute :) cant wait til it comes out. Miss Yadech dearly lol anyway anyone knos if the english version of the book is out? I really want to read the book since our wonderful translators translaye it so wonderful ;)
There isn't a version of this book in English, The author ''Nara'' said that she only writes in Thai.
Love all the photos that Nadech's mum uploaded on her Instagram! She uploaded a few where she, Nadech, Yaya's mum, and Yaya were all in the photo together and it was narak how the mums switched places -- so that Nadech's mum was standing by Yaya, and Yaya's mum was by Nadech instead.


sarNie Adult
@ cookiies. Lol...girl you are to funny. I love having proof of Yadech!!! :coverlaf:
Oh and if you look to the right, Yadech's mom sat together. 5555


sarNie Adult
^ lol..That is very true. I think if it's a little lighter, it will be better. :)

Nadech's mom sure is feeding us fans with lot of Yadech photoshoot picture from bali!!!

credit: Keaw_jung IG


sarNie Adult
AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I just had to scream!!!!
Yaya, you know you want to pull on Nadech's chest hair! :coverlaf: :coverlaf: :coverlaf:

credit: yayeeumarin