[Ch3] Roy Mai (Act Art)


sarNie Egg
I can't wait! They're both hot and gorgeous! For those who think that aff isn't gorgeous (one person only), please take a look at yourself in the mirror first to see if you are any better than them before you say things. I don't know why there's even use to commenting negative stuff on here about the main actors. If you have a problem with the actors, you don't have to say anything, so that you don't waste replies on here. Thanks!

then why don't you also keep your comment to yourself, u have the right to like aff and voice it out but they (who don't like aff) have the right not to like her and voice it out too. Also she's an actress of course she will be commented by people, how would you expect people to shut their mouths off just because u don't like it????

Usually I keep quiet and really seldom to give response to any post but I feel it's ridiculous to see why people get scolding just because they wanted to give their opinions in this forum whether it's good or not.


Staff member
haaha.. getting heat .. kidding.
everyone's entitle to their thoughts, just be ready to fight back when it's necessary ---


Staff member
lmao.. fights will always be necessary.. lol.. haha j/k.. sw is a peacful place.. let's keep it that way..

many are fans.. and many are not. its ok to voice out your opinion but dont be bashing on others n the celebs so harshly..

lol.. hmm how does that old song go.. "why cant we be friends.. why cant we be friends.." lmao.. hahaha j/k.. ^_^


sarNie Egg
OMG I thought I'm the only one who think that Aff did some nose and eyes job, well I believe that her nose is really a fake one. Anyway I don't hate her it just that her acting doesn't improve all this times and her acting quality just so so like in jai rao, botan klep sudtai, her biggest mark just jam loey rak. Basically I don't really like her lakorns even though I like aum atichart. Hope Ananda will be paired up with someone who is better in terms of acting compare to aff.
lol me too, i thought i was the only one who think that her acting was bad.. the truth is that i dont really like her acting in jao rao... pa ek acting was soo good i can feel that he was really mad on her for ... but her no comment i was annoyed of the way she acted


sarNie OldFart
Is this Anandas first drama? I've never heard of him before.


You're Average Person :)
no this isnt his first...he did another one like i think years ago with ploy cherman i think and some other ppl


sarNie Granny
i'm not sure if AFF did have a nose or eye job but her feature is quite difference from other thai actress , she full Thai isn't she ? Compare to her old picture she alway had those big eye and huge nose but im not going rule out the possibility because her feature is difference . And i love those feature. I admit , i find her attractive with those huge eye and wide smile . She have this charm , can't quite explain it since difference star had their own bit of love spell in their character that can catch a fan attention , a good example is Ken's love life off screen. But everyone have their own taste and aspect , what i see is beautiful can be seen as un-natural by other, like art , people have difference view about the master piece . As for her acting , i find her quite annoying as well when i first watch JRL , the screaming in there busted my ear drum but after the second eps , i catch the fever :lol: . I became drawn to her acting , those little sheik and gasping sound , does sound seductive and cute in away , once again it ok if people think im on the wrong side of the street, i created the vibe so i'm willing to accept the speculation. I haven't fully seen all the eps in her recently lakorn after JLR , but from the bit and piece scene i gather , it seen that she had improve , baby step is better than no step at all (other star are way worst than AFF but that another thread to debate in) . I think she have potential as an actress and in look wise I think she beautiful in those photo/fashion shot .


Staff member
^same here. alot of time, ppl say she look different unlike herself when she's in shoot .. but if you look at just the FAN SNAPSHOT .. she actually look more beautiful than the video or some of the photoshoot .. but again, that's just how i see it .. plus, i notice her acting potential improve as a fan too .. so i guess, ppl are just bias sometime LOl


sarNie Granny
fan are suppose to bias , it's normal . AFF does have flaw and those that know me , know i like her either way , man or female , it doesn't bother me when people criticize her because she is not perfect and as a star , people will rate you according to their finding , I understand it as well. It ok to direct negative comment on the star because that express individual opinion's but every star have a fan base , people will come on and defend their star , it will cause conflict , all comment should direct on the subject not at each other , that's when emotional fly when direct to each other . For me , i let by goner be by goner and move on. Once the statement is already made , just scroll down .


sarNie OldFart
For me her she looks normal, I can't even tell if she's had surgey or not. I never thought she had surgery but I heard some fans said said she had surgery on her eyelids ? Idk for sure. But it doesn't bother me .


sarNie Granny
eyelids? like to get double or wide lids? humm...well she does have those enormous eye , quite difference from other thai actress since she is not mix with anything and she have huge nose , wide smile , hi cheek bone , she is huge in a small body! :lol: And she have the most prefect teeth out of all the thai actress out there , who is her dentist ?


sarNie OldFart
lol. sarn i don't think anyone knows that, you should ask pAff yourself :D


sarNie Hatchling
For me her she looks normal, I can't even tell if she's had surgey or not. I never thought she had surgery but I heard some fans said said she had surgery on her eyelids ? Idk for sure. But it doesn't bother me .

of course she does

she always smile when she talk to someone


sarNie Adult
im neutral about af, but there r some people who have a body that is not proportional to their face or watever part of their body. aff looks right for her face, but she has a petite body or that it may look smaller onscreen/photos. her eyes r big and her nose should be quite big too. sher has big features. she has a nice smile not wide, but a nice shape. she looks like kat mcintosh it's jus that aff is shorter and more petite.


sarNie Oldmaid
OMG I thought I'm the only one who think that Aff did some nose and eyes job, well I believe that her nose is really a fake one. Anyway I don't hate her it just that her acting doesn't improve all this times and her acting quality just so so like in jai rao, botan klep sudtai, her biggest mark just jam loey rak. Basically I don't really like her lakorns even though I like aum atichart. Hope Ananda will be paired up with someone who is better in terms of acting compare to aff.
lol me too, i thought i was the only one who think that her acting was bad.. the truth is that i dont really like her acting in jao rao... pa ek acting was soo good i can feel that he was really mad on her for ... but her no comment i was annoyed of the way she acted
lol..i dun tink Aff is the best actress out there..but she ain't bad either... :lol: ...i tink she improved a lot in Jai Rao...bias fan here..but i thought JLR...she was annoying as heck...all that high pitch screaming..and..i felt at some parts she was a bit stiff...but in Jai Rao...i thought her crying was well done..and i did feel her guilt for hurting Vic...esp. those scenes where Vic is screaming a question in her face and all she can do is cry...poor girl...maybe her acting is sent down a level wen she up against hot/talented pra'ek Ken....though i will have to say Ken's been outshining his actress recently....RNHJR w/ Janie..SB w/ Ann and now JR w/ Aff....

anyways back on topic...i juz saw Ananda's The Memory
he was soo hot *fan self*...BRING ON THIS LAKORN!


sarNie Adult
For me her she looks normal, I can't even tell if she's had surgey or not. I never thought she had surgery but I heard some fans said said she had surgery on her eyelids ? Idk for sure. But it doesn't bother me .

double eyelids? hmm...i don't think so...i've seen pictures of her with and without make up...seriously she doesn't have big big eyes without make-up...it is really the power of make-up.


sarNie OldFart
i watch aff's lakorn here and there...she is a beautiful girl and would love to look like her BUT i do find her acting annoying that is why i tune in here and there on her lakorn but she still has time for improvement and she will get better