[Ch3] Ruk Pathiharn (Maker Group)


sarNie Oldmaid
Thanks for all the pictures. Man those Mint and Alex stands out. I can't wait to see them two, they look cute together. Kimberly is pretty also, but I think her and Mart makes an ok couple. I would have to see them onscreen together, though I am more excited for Alex and Mint. Keep the pictures coming if theirs anymore. lol. Thanks.


sarNie OldFart
thanks Bliss;
Mint and Alex are looking so so good together
He has his hand on her hip

its the little things that gets me aahah


sarNie Tombstone
From Siamdara ^0^

I wish there were more photos of Mint & Alex together. Lol.

No news of air date yet since they just started filming in mid-March, but I'm sure it will air but the end of this year at the latest! :)
Thank u na kha Bliss for the picture yeah usually Siamdara only post a few pic on
their website. :thanks:


sarNie Adult
like kim's dress and fits her well. mint has that baby face with cute smile while kim has mature look.


sarNie Tombstone
i believe Kim looks kind of mature for her age too but gorgeous and Mint C she's
like stunningly gorgeous princess doll love her dress :heart:


sarNie Adult
the girls look gorgeous!!!!!
kim more mature
mint just cute and adorable

love their dresses and the colour too.

miss them so much.

thanks so much for sharing


sarNie Coma
did they happen to wear the same color dress lol both look cute. look like kim gain weight which is a good thing but im sure they gonna advise her to lose it back. the director did say for her to lose weight