Wow today episode was impressive! Finally, everyone know who nitchamon it!
And there was lots of sad scene today, between nitchamon and her grandma. I cried when nit told her grandma that her mom had die. Sniff sniff!
And I'm starting to really hate that Guy. Forgot his name. He need to back off cause, nit had told him already that she did not like him. But he still gets in her way!
I'm so happy that teacher got arrested! He was getting so f****** annoying. I hate him so much!!!
And next episode seems like there is even more problem between nitchamon and the Guy. He even has the guts to bring his dad and ask for permission to marry nit. Ugh he is so selfish. I hate him more then I hate thut now. Can't wait to watch next weeks episode, so thut and nitchamon can finally have a happy ending!