ahhh sorry to spoil it for you gals T______________T i just had to lay out there.......it really bothered me seeing Itt lean forward for that nose to nose touch with Maya.
We girls notice the littlest things hahaah that is totally unacceptable !!!!!!!!!!!
OMG i am completely amused by Itt's jealousy side ahaahha Itt becomes such a careless kid when he's jealous over Chon. lol
I laughed so much when Itt put his hand and leg on top of Thun while they were sleeping because he was bothered by what he saw between Chon and Thun. He had to wake up Thun just to warn him that he can't
jeep Chon...hahaah And I love how Thun went along with it just for his own entertainment purposes. The way I see it in terms of appearance, Punch and Beam makes more of a compatible pair. ^^ I like seeing them both together too and would def love to see these two collaborate one day. I'm sad to see how Chon gives in most of the time to Itt when he asks for a favor and for help. If I got this right, when Chon told Maya "There will never be a day Thun will see me as anything else, because I'll tell you this, when a guy is in love, he'll always do stupid things"....I believe that applies to her too....she's hurting herself by helping Itt confess his love to Maya
Sighs* We girls become vulnerable to that one guy we like/love. Mai dee loey !!!!
Another scene that I liked from ep.7 was when Itt begged Chon to stay and help him with his "plan." She literally dug up holes to plant flowers according to Itt's layout. OMG Itt is asking for toooooo much!! And if he wants her to stay and help, he has to call Chon "P" first ^________________^ He wanted her to ask for something else instead LOL
C: Why? Calling me "P" is too difficult for you?
Itt: Why? You really want to be "P"? You want to be my "P" or....you definitely want to be my older sister in law? pood clear clear 5555... *OUI this boy wants clarification 555
C: Right now, I ask to be "P"....as for the matter of being your sister in law, it is the matter of the future ! LOL ***BURNNNNNNNNN***
And now I just want to cry after seeing the preview for fri's episode. I am at war with ITT atm and I don't think I will be able to forgive him for hurting Chon's innocent heart !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!