I know most of the stuff I am going to say have already been said but here is my thoughts about episode 3. Yes I was supposed to watch it yesterday but I was still packing and today I just finished unloading. I miss home and my two bratty nephews.
Let's start with Fai, Marie is annoying with her voice and As Fai, her personality and attitude is just a big turn off. I think I dislike her more than Naem. At least for Naem when she is nice, she is lovable. I seriously don't know how Wat is going to fall in love with Fai when she is the replica of his girlfriend, like someone mention, the less girly version of Naem!!! I watched the older one and Fai wasn't that bitchy toward Wat. They have their share of arguments but she was not like a total bitch. I guess Marie would make a real bitchy nang rai if she gets the chance to play one. I like Boy's protrayal of Wat. He is reasonable and his argument is rational. I just wished he has more guts to tell his girlfriend to f*ck off lol at least once in a while.
Okay now to Aew, gdhsusjjchdbdjsibdudbdufbudbhdjdhbdjc dhdnfjfbdkf c nfjdjdbdkdikwiehfid hdhdjfnfj hdhshwiwodpcndnejdjfhf fhdjdbwjzjeyfbwy dhdufixnrund jdhdhdhdhdhdhdbdjsowodjdud hdubdjjdhdubbdhh hdhsiexyd xud susndud eis didndi....
Lol it is time I go in to beat some sense into that brainless woman head!!! She is going to lend her douch bag bf money. Oh hell to the freaking no! Krit deserve a smart kind woman, and if she doesn't see that he has a crush on her, she is blind!!! And her conclusion of him being gay is so lame!!! I feel bad for Krit, baby come to me and I will treat you right! Haha wishful thinking. Mak is improving so much after the first episode. He doesn't have that stalker creepy vibe anymore. His stares are more sincere and less creepy lol
Drum roll please, I saved the last for the best. Although Ken lacks the talent yet tolerable acting, his character is likeable. But oh boy what in the hell does he do for a living? We get to at least see Wat in his police attire. I know that in the old version, he was in some kind of construction work. Anyways I had to rewatch the scene when he turned around, saw Phao and was all speechless haha too cute!!! And when she slapped his behind with the clipboard. And it is so sweet of him to wait that long just to speak to her haha... I love how she declare war on him that she will make him hers. Super naruk!!!
And other things, okay folks if you want to chase someone away, you turn on the water hose lmao like seriously!!! Does it hurt to get wet? Wat and Thee sure ran fast when Phao was hosing them. And I love how Thee and Phao always goes to Krit to either complain or talk about the other half haha.
Looking forward to more Phao and Thee.