[Ch3] Samee (Maker J)


sarNie OldFart
bella said:
Now that I watched rak patiharn alex is too hot for me... whew i'm going to be sweating bullets watching him play the naughty brother.
I absolutely loooooooooooove ALex's voice.  For such a cute little thing...he's got such a manly voice.  I thought he was even hotter in Raeng Prathana.  


sarNie Adult
Thanks for the pictures, and updates, everyone.
Grate is so funny wearing that wig. And Pream so pretty and cute. :D


sarNie Egg
Haha that's was one cute and funny clip.  Great, Preem and Alex are so cutes.  Can't help but laughs at the method people would go to just to stop the rain.  Poor Preem, it's was up to her to plant the lemongrass :scratchhead2:  (such an old folks tale) I hope the rain stop for her at the end!!!  :woot2: 


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
madlena1990 said:
IG: nok_bird, pepzilism, nali_yui
So because of the warning that I got I cant hotlink the pics anymore so I am just giving the links...
Awh, sorry, but it's the forum rules. ^_^ But great job on sharing the picture links and providing the credits. :thumbsup: Thanks for following the rules. :grouphug: Sharing the links is the better alternative to hotlinking pictures, when you're running low on time. :) Thank you, Madlena1990. :D