I find it odd that Kawee never used any condoms everytime he slept with Narin. I mean he is more experinced than she is right. <_< So, he had to know that she would evenutally get pregnant if they kept doing that "R" stuff with out some type of protection.
I'll give Narin a pass on that issue because she was innocent and didn't have a choice in the matter. But Kawee seem to have planned her pregnancy. I mean come on if he acts suprise that she becomes pregnant I think I'll fall out my chair laughing.
Now, if he dosen't act suprise at all and says that he planned it that way as a form to trap Narin. Then it'll make much more sense as to why the director wrote in all those "R" scenes. Kawee was trying to make Narin with child.
Though I'm probably totally wrong with this theory. Who knows Kawee could be just a perv