[Ch3] Sawan Bieng (Lakorn Thai)


Yunho's GF~*
Hello Chongggg :)

Thanks Lyn for the pictures and I couldnt read the spoilers mouhaha wanna wait for real in Thai ^_^


sarNie Juvenile
almost up to 400 page....well, i think that this drama SB will reach up to 500 page...and it all because of KAWEE....forsure, all for pe-ken!


sarNie Juvenile
i really want to see kawee reaction when he finds narin!!!!
wow! i really can't wait until wed/thur. my temperture is going up high and the fever is not over yet!


sarNie Adult

CUTE. CUTE. SCENES For Wednesday's episode. EP.10
awwww so cute!!!! episode 10 is gonna be great!!!..can't wait ^_^

Can somebody explain the significance of owning a page? Everyone seems to be really into it...just wondering. Can't wait for Wednesday!!!!!
hahaha its just a stupid game we play...like if your name is the first one on a page, more people will be most likely to read what you have to say haha :lol:


Expired Sarnie
I got to read some pages before I make other comments. LOL Almost there peeps the 400 mark!


Professional Lakorn Watcher
I havent watched 8 and 9 yet, I'm still on 7. I'll bet Leela is going crazy with jealousy right about now. From the beginning, I knew she was trouble! I hate her!


sarNie Adult
I love Narin's house. It looks so peaceful. I wanna house like that. It's not glamorous but very homely.

Ken looks dashing in his tight fitting black pants and shirt.