Me too, I'm hoping for at least 3-4 photoshoots next year.. and the year after.

Many magazine publishers and event organizer might already have eyes on them. But the problem is their schedule are really packed!!
Mario has one film, one lakorn with Toey, and many events booked in advance. Mint's back to school now and next year she'll have 3 lakorns lined up. And the girl has load of events too!
We'll have to wait some more...
I'm not impressed by their first photoshoot either. They looked sexy but stiff, and I didn't really like their facial expression.
Next time round, I want something more cheerful and lovely-dovey. Maybe Honeymoon travel mag?
OMG! I want them to go for a photoshoot somewhere really romantic and far... far way! A secluded island somewhere? :coverlaf: :coverlaf: