Ep1 is kicking off to an AWESOME start.
I love how Two Spirits Love began with a glimpse of Kaew in the past life with Mario narrating then it transitions to the present life. I laughed a lot throughout the whole first episode. The traffic jam scene where Kewalin and Tharaton met was beautifully done. I love how she was the last to go to the accident scene and hit Tharaton's car with her medical bags making her body turn around where Tharaton was able to see her face. Tharaton had quick flashback of Kaew then he followed Kewalin to the accident scene. LOVE LOVE.
Let's start with Mario. Man, why don't you just look at those puppy eyes! They'll instantly win you over! I love how Mario has a blank expression but his eyes has emotions in it. For one I really like Mek and half of me pities him. Since he is from the boran period, he has mannerism lol He loves and protects Kew/Kaew and I can't wait to see how much more he'll do for her in the present life. Tharaton is one to not give a damn but after meeting Kewalin, his heart has wavered. He even took a rest while holding her hand. Seeing how he is, I would have never imagine for Tharaton to hold Kewalin's hand lol It's like Tharaton is comfortable with Kew.
On to Mint. That gal has come a long way. I love her character as Kewalin and Kewalin probably will top all of her other characters for me, Kew is a kickarse and doesn't take crap from anyone. Ever since the beginning of the episode when she met Mek, she's in distressed and afraid for herself because she doesn't know if the unknown man she carried inside her house is a good guy or not LOL her movements are hilarious! EEEEKS PUNJAN makes a hotttttt older brother and he's like Nai Kong Sang all over again but less of a hot-head. I am enjoying their sibling-ship

PJMINT look so good together too because of their long faces and nose lol
The whole gang makes me LOL!!! They're a funny group and PU is too over-protective/insecure with Kew and he even introduced himself as Kewalin's bf to Mek! hahah Yui asked him how Mek look like and he said farang. Yui said then he must have to be handsome! Way to make Pu's self-esteem go down hehe WHOOTWHOOT, we got a glimpse of NAI KONG SANG AND P'JUANG'S after-life hehe Though they don't get together at the end, it's nice to see them collaborate in a drama again.
Mor Krit and Anima look good together. I hope they get together.....she gets with Korn though right?
Now I can't wait for Ep2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHADA-OH IS OOZING WITH CHEMISTRY!
This scene gave me the butterflies....
c; anyama