just watched ep.1...must say it's nice to see tik back...but we'll wait to see how this one turns out...i'm still a bit unsure of this one...i'm a bit iffy...
anyways, with my limited thai here's a brief recap of what happened so far.
-janie's a photographer...artistic kind
-tik's a med student...his dad is a doctor
tik's smart and has great potenial to be a great doctor, but he goofs off alot, gambling and playing around. as tik is playing pool and swindling some guys, janie takes some pictures for her photo exhibit. she manages to capture tik puking after drinking too much. anyway, she exhibits those pics and tik sees them in the newspaper. he goes to the exhibit and as he is leaving she is coming and they just miss each other.
problems start for tik when he, i think, does a procedure on a patient that he's not allowed to do as a student. he gets expelled...i think...b/c he turns in his things. meanwhile all is not well for janie either b/c of something that has to do with her father...i'm not sure...but her father is demanding and controlling so janie makes some kind of decision to leave....
that's where it ends. if i'm wrong about anything or if someone could add to the summary please do so and make corrections where needed. hope you all enjoy.