I saw it. My opinion with this lakorn...it's boring. I stopped watching it. I wish the story line was being written better. There's no romances between Tik&Janie. It was very disspointed.
i'm dissapointed in this lak too, there's not a lot of cute scene between Tik & Janie but i watched it because there's Tik (i miss his on screen) ... i think ( it's my point of view) Tik doens't suit with a comedie role i'd prefer him in a dramatic or playboy role like Roy Leh or Leurd Katiya... he is so cute in that kind of role ...also can't wait to see him playing with Cherry :w000t:
OOOOOOHHHHHHH.....LORD....... :loool: :blink: :wacko: :sweat: that is funny...... :loool: but anyways.... I love this movie..... I thought it a goood and funny movie...... I love tik....in this movie.... he's very funny..... I love the ending..... it a happy ending...... which is gooodd..... :wub:
It does drag a bit but I have high tolerance for that kind of thing. The ending was totally worth it, I felt like they didn't rush it too much and they give us a wedding scene and a waking up together scene, although you could call it an aftermath scene, lol, but they had all their clothes on!