tbh i consider this lakorn is a big hit with no doubt they are getting 5 for rating 10s in bkk
the online views get higher with each ep they got 28k last night
they ranked in youtube for their cuts
the number of ads is ridiculouuus they have ad before the drama begin they have ad after the intro song end they have ad in the previews of the breaks ad break , ad before the next break begin ad in every second so people need to give recognition even if the rate drop to 5 is still high and a hit for ch3 i take bkk as the best measure , BSP and nakee will always stay special in the heart of thai people cause they contain other factor that thongaek story don't have they are different story different message and it take nothing away from the success this drama is getting the one who makes a great drama are first place a good writer second a good production 3th great actor and this drama has it all with a little flaw in the love writing but regardless still did the job
so yeah i 100% support this production to pleaaaasse cast kim again one day

this production is very good