Is that french toast they are eating ? wow, that's alot! I bets it is for the whole crewcredit to Marie IG
yes its French Toast man the whole crew are making me want oneIs that french toast they are eating ? wow, that's alot! I bets it is for the whole crew
I don't think he falls for Marie yet..he only think she's a good person because she find so many ways to help her family out financiially...finally finished watching episode 1.And I love it! Like many of ya have say Marie's voice is annoy but i think her acting
did improve. can't wait for episode 2 to come out on Friday. Aw..Is Boy already falling for her? hahah... Waiting to see
if she comes out of the house. aww.. cute!
I added the lakorn to Viki and started segmenting EP1. I might stop since no one is interested in helping and I can't do it all by myself since I can't even sub it from Thai to English. So if anyone is interested in helping please let me know on Viki otherwise I'm just going to abandon it. =(I loving this lakorn but does anyone know whi subbing it...i really hate watching and can't underatand a thing lol now i'm in epi3 and deciding should i watch epi4 or not...
she's the same age as Kim born 1992 she's now 20how old is Marie? she looks so young and likes her smile.
lol, it's funy cause marie was looking everywhere in boy's face like shee wanna kiss him. ahah ..My two favorite scenes from today episode.
The "Boy copys every moves Marie do" scene.Too cute and funny.
Boy just makes me laugh. He looks so gay! hahaha.
It starts at 3:10 till 7:25
c: gappkoo at yt.
The "accidently kiss on the cheek from Marie to Boy" scene.
Na'ruk!!! :wub: :kiss3:
It starts at 4:10 till 7:25
c: gappkoo at yt.