[Ch3] Yah Leum Chun (LakornThai)


sarNie Oldmaid
Thank you for saving me!
Well, she did an excellent job.
She petitioned years ago too?!
Wow, she's the most dedicated AnnTik fan!
How come she doesn't sub Tik videos though?
If she's a Tik fan as well, how come she doesn't dedicated her page to Mr. Pholdee too haha.
Nevertheless, I'm very happy that we have her.
Actually I'm more than happy, no words can explain my gratitude for her!!
Wonder what it'd be like if we didn't have her....
i think yes..she's petitioned for few yrs ago two..they said ack then,there's fanfic war..Tik & Anne vs Tik&Aump vs Tik&Aom..
i remember she also make a petition for Anne-Chakrit....for them to reunite..but sadly it doesn't work..
we also make a petition to pull out Mart from QP..
they have a site for ANNIK..but maybe its not exist anymore..
Actually,she's more to Anne..Thats why she just sub Anne's lakorn/Anne's clip..but she also sub some of thai lakorn like Mafia Tee Ruk (chakrit)..
I'm glad that we have Anon ...Suky...Nat....and whoever responsible to sub & translate anne's news.
They are great....

anti-spam : ANNIKONG


i think yes..she's petitioned for few yrs ago two..they said ack then,there's fanfic war..Tik & Anne vs Tik&Aump vs Tik&Aom..
i remember she also make a petition for Anne-Chakrit....for them to reunite..but sadly it doesn't work..
we also make a petition to pull out Mart from QP..
they have a site for ANNIK..but maybe its not exist anymore..
Actually,she's more to Anne..Thats why she just sub Anne's lakorn/Anne's clip..but she also sub some of thai lakorn like Mafia Tee Ruk (chakrit)..
I'm glad that we have Anon ...Suky...Nat....and whoever responsible to sub & translate anne's news.
They are great....

anti-spam : ANNIKONG
Anony is the queen of petitions. Haha.
Hurray for her!!!

Between TikAom and TikAum, I choose TikAom any day.
However, between TikAom and TikAnn........ :scratchhead2: ..........I probably won't be able to choose now, even though YLC haven't even officially started yet. Haha.
On the other hand, if it's between AnnTik and AnnKen...that would be diffe.... :secret: ...*whispers* I choose [KA]. Haha.
NO, I choose "cat."
It's so funny, can't believe AnnTik was a participant of this little fanfic war when AnnTik never had a lakorn together! Haha.
The powers of Thongprasom and Pholdee!!!

We can still petition for AnnKrit. Haha.
I love love Anne and Chakrit.
Wait we talked about this before. Haha.
Who cares.
I love AnnKrit!!!
It's too too sad that they never had a second chance together!
I wonder why no one has offered them two a lakorn together!!!!
I would already.

Ummm. Why wasn't I aware of that petition to [kick Smart off] QP?
Oh wait, I didn't even know he existed yet. Haha.
Well if I knew about QP back then...I would've signed that petition 500 times...if that's even possible. Haha.
OMG, I'm so mean to Mr. Nice Guy.
Whatever I'm watching it for my Thongprasom only so...I have to accept him no matter what.

Anti-spam: OKAY, BACK TO YLC!!!!!


sarNie Oldmaid
Anony is the queen of petitions. Haha.
Hurray for her!!!

Between TikAom and TikAum, I choose TikAom any day.
However, between TikAom and TikAnn........ :scratchhead2: ..........I probably won't be able to choose now, even though YLC haven't even officially started yet. Haha.
On the other hand, if it's between AnnTik and AnnKen...that would be diffe.... :secret: ...*whispers* I choose [KA]. Haha.
NO, I choose "cat."
It's so funny, can't believe AnnTik was a participant of this little fanfic war when AnnTik never had a lakorn together! Haha.
The powers of Thongprasom and Pholdee!!!

We can still petition for AnnKrit. Haha.
I love love Anne and Chakrit.
Wait we talked about this before. Haha.
Who cares.
I love AnnKrit!!!
It's too too sad that they never had a second chance together!
I wonder why no one has offered them two a lakorn together!!!!
I would already.

Ummm. Why wasn't I aware of that petition to [kick Smart off] QP?
Oh wait, I didn't even know he existed yet. Haha.
Well if I knew about QP back then...I would've signed that petition 500 times...if that's even possible. Haha.
OMG, I'm so mean to Mr. Nice Guy.
Whatever I'm watching it for my Thongprasom only so...I have to accept him no matter what.

Anti-spam: OKAY, BACK TO YLC!!!!!
yeah righ..Mr Nice Man...
i watch it bcos of Thong too...
Thong and Pholdee sucha very powerfull couple..
They have a fans eventhough they never pair up together



yeah righ..Mr Nice Man...
i watch it bcos of Thong too...
Thong and Pholdee sucha very powerfull couple..
They have a fans eventhough they never pair up together

That's why they're gonna be the unforgettable golden couple for 2013-2014!!
I can just imagine what it's like already!!!!!

Anti-spam: I forgot to mention...I didn't dream about AnnTik last night...


I think LoveAnne_T is sleeping in.
LoveAnne, if you're not here, I'm not gonna be able to talk to you before I go to bed~ haha.
I'm about to go to be in a bit...
I'm talking to myself again, but that's okay.
I like doing that.
It's my specialty.
I do it all the time and I'm very sufficient with it.
Like, seriously~....

Anti-spam: Okay, I gues it's just you and me YLC...you're my best bud and I'm you biggest fan!


sarNie Adult
I think LoveAnne_T is sleeping in.
LoveAnne, if you're not here, I'm not gonna be able to talk to you before I go to bed~ haha.
I'm about to go to be in a bit...
I'm talking to myself again, but that's okay.
I like doing that.
It's my specialty.
I do it all the time and I'm very sufficient with it.
Like, seriously~....

Anti-spam: Okay, I gues it's just you and me YLC...you're my best bud and I'm you biggest fan!


sarNie Adult
Have you guys seen this fan promotion picture by Anonyblue??

Credit: Anonyblue2001

Doesn't it look so REAL!!!!!?!?!??????
I love it!!!!!!!

Maybe it's because Anne has a bit of Arabian blood, but she sometimes look very Latin/Native American~ish.
Like in the picture above and in my siggie!
She's gorgeous!!


YAY! I wasn't talking to myself after all!
Believe it or not, I was just about to go to bed, then I decided to check on YLC IF there's anything.
What do I know, you're here!
Muahahaha. Fate led us to chat here haha.
Now, where is Ms. Dila?

Anti-spam: Wai, I don't need an anti-spam. Haha.


sarNie Adult
Anony is the queen of petitions. Haha.
Hurray for her!!!

Between TikAom and TikAum, I choose TikAom any day.
However, between TikAom and TikAnn........ :scratchhead2: ..........I probably won't be able to choose now, even though YLC haven't even officially started yet. Haha.
On the other hand, if it's between AnnTik and AnnKen...that would be diffe.... :secret: ...*whispers* I choose [KA]. Haha.
NO, I choose "cat."
It's so funny, can't believe AnnTik was a participant of this little fanfic war when AnnTik never had a lakorn together! Haha.
The powers of Thongprasom and Pholdee!!!

We can still petition for AnnKrit. Haha.
I love love Anne and Chakrit.
Wait we talked about this before. Haha.
Who cares.
I love AnnKrit!!!
It's too too sad that they never had a second chance together!
I wonder why no one has offered them two a lakorn together!!!!
I would already.

Ummm. Why wasn't I aware of that petition to [kick Smart off] QP?
Oh wait, I didn't even know he existed yet. Haha.
Well if I knew about QP back then...I would've signed that petition 500 times...if that's even possible. Haha.
OMG, I'm so mean to Mr. Nice Guy.
Whatever I'm watching it for my Thongprasom only so...I have to accept him no matter what.

Anti-spam: OKAY, BACK TO YLC!!!!!
hehehehe...I am with you. I watching because of our Ann also.....I even dream about Ann came to my house last night just to have dinner. I think I been thinking to much about Ann Tik, but I didn't dream about Tik last night.


Dila, said Anony did this pic a long time ago when she did an AnnTik petition.
I guess I'm not the only one who's late on discovering the poster haha.

Anti-spam: AnnTik.


hehehehe...I am with you. I watching because of our Ann also.....I even dream about Ann came to my house last night just to have dinner. I think I been thinking to much about Ann Tik, but I didn't dream about Tik last night.
Well, at least you dreamed about one of them. I didn't dream about anyone at all.

Anti-spam: AnnTik


sarNie Adult
YAY! I wasn't talking to myself after all!
Believe it or not, I was just about to go to bed, then I decided to check on YLC IF there's anything.
What do I know, you're here!
Muahahaha. Fate led us to chat here haha.
Now, where is Ms. Dila?

Anti-spam: Wai, I don't need an anti-spam. Haha.
hehehehe....I knew that you won't go to bed before I come to say hi LOL...Did you girls miss me????? I miss you girls... hahahaha.....Is Dila working right now???. :scratchhead2: :scratchhead2: :scratchhead2: :scratchhead2: . She also using her internet while her boss is not around.


sarNie Adult
Dila, said Anony did this pic a long time ago when she did an AnnTik petition.
I guess I'm not the only one who's late on discovering the poster haha.

Anti-spam: AnnTik.
I know, she did so many clips for Ann Tik petition, I almost give up on doing it. I'm happy that she came back and did the last petition for Ann Tik and it work.


hehehehe....I knew that you won't go to bed before I come to say hi LOL...Did you girls miss me????? I miss you girls... hahahaha.....Is Dila working right now???. :scratchhead2: :scratchhead2: :scratchhead2: :scratchhead2: . She also using her internet while her boss is not around.
I don't know what's up with Dila haha, probably working like you said.

I know, she did so many clips for Ann Tik petition, I almost give up on doing it. I'm happy that she came back and did the last petition for Ann Tik and it work.
Yeah, we really have to thank her because she also contributed to this miracle!!!

I think you will dream about again soon......Do you have to work tomorrow your time.
Nope, haha.
No work tomorrow, but I'll be out of town for a couple of hours in the morning.
I may be able to sneak on my laptop before I go out of town, but if not I'll probably be in here in the afternoon.

Anti-spam: AnnTik


Staff member
I'm sorry to say this ladies, but please do not post consecutively.
If you're replying to quotes, they can all be quoted and replied onto one whole post. Thank you.

anyways, finally an Anne/Tik lakorn.. :)
I originally thought YLC was going to be for CH7, but I guess not.
I got my hopes all high for a Kwan/Oil reunion.. *sniffsniffs*

but Anne/Tik is great as well.


sarNie Oldmaid
Dang...how come i'm too focus on QP and forgot bout this thread..
Gosh,i guess because ep 11 of QP was soooooo good..

anti-spam : ANNIKONG!


I'm sorry to say this ladies, but please do not post consecutively.
If you're replying to quotes, they can all be quoted and replied onto one whole post. Thank you.

anyways, finally an Anne/Tik lakorn.. :)
I originally thought YLC was going to be for CH7, but I guess not.
I got my hopes all high for a Kwan/Oil reunion.. *sniffsniffs*

but Anne/Tik is great as well.
Hehe, we're just too excited.
AnnTik ALL THE WAY!!!!!

Dang...how come i'm too focus on QP and forgot bout this thread..
Gosh,i guess because ep 11 of QP was soooooo good..

anti-spam : ANNIKONG!
Yeah Dila, how could you do this to us? Huh?? Tell us...pronto.

Anti-spam: YLC! YLC! YLC! YLC!


Okay, I'm going to sleep.
Goodnight ya'll!

Anti-spam: AnnTik, AnnTik, AnnTik!!!

*Okay, would this be considered the 2nd consecutive post? I didn't post this one immediately after my previous post, but no one has posted in between so that means it's a consecutive post...? I guess the "2 consecutive posts" role is a little vague because consecutive means following one another in an uninterrupted succession. Do we not post immediately after our post and post again later even if no one has posted after our post, or do we not post at all if no one posts after ours?? Or can we still post after our previous one, but just not immediately following?? Oh well...peace!*


sarNie Oldmaid
Okay, I'm going to sleep.
Goodnight ya'll!

Anti-spam: AnnTik, AnnTik, AnnTik!!!

*Okay, would this be considered the 2nd consecutive post? I didn't post this one immediately after my previous post, but no one has posted in between so that means it's a consecutive post...? I guess the "2 consecutive posts" role is a little vague because consecutive means following one another in an uninterrupted succession. Do we not post immediately after our post and post again later even if no one has posted after our post, or do we not post at all if no one posts after ours?? Or can we still post after our previous one, but just not immediately following?? Oh well...peace!*
:scratchhead2: :bravo: