[Ch5] Hua Jai Rua Puang (Exact & Scenerio)


sarNie Oldmaid
I love this one! Ekks.. Son is so handsome! I'm glad that we're finally reaching the end. I'm so irritated at Lun for her selfishness and stupidity. Even her mom irritates me as well. Those two are just being so selfish especially to Pat. Pat just needs to get away from those two. Pete, should just kidnap her and take her away and live their own happy life. :D


sarNie Adult
True. I mean after all what she done for the girls. She put her life to raise Lun and Lun kid even though it wasn't hers. Hopefully karma will hit them even harder. Pang and son are a very entertaining couple. I enjoys all there sense. They make me happy. But when Lun and the other dued it's just depressing.


sarNie Egg
hey ! i am new member here. Could someone help me ? When does this drama airing? date , clock and channel please . 
and it would be great if you say last episodes number :)
thanks  :)


sarNie Adult
i think it's airing on wednesday and thursday, 9.20 pm on channel 5 thailand. it's an entertaining drama i would say. slightly a different kind of plot as compared to other lakorns


sarNie Adult
Finally he knows that ahtom is his son. Finally lun tells them she the mom. Man is it me or grand have look very ugly? Can someone tell me if she went under the knife?


sarNie Hatchling
^^it's more than obvious that she did.  Looks like she did her nose and eyes. 
The episode was the big reveal, though quite anti-climatic for me.  I FF most of the scenes not related to Atom, Pete, and Pat, which made the watch a lot shorter than it should have been.  Tomorrow's episode looks to be lot more interesting with more OTP screen time.


sarNie OldFart
the lakorn would be soo much better if there more focus on Pat/Pete 70% and the rest is 30%...too much focus on Lun
What up with the worker....crazy ass putting a "claim" on p'k....awww...p'k wants to be there for n'k and take some weight off her shoulders


- Marina ♥
I agree with you spanky! I adore both couples but Lun is being focused on too much.
There needs to be more Pat & Pete scenes!


sarNie Hatchling
spanky said:
the lakorn would be soo much better if there more focus on Pat/Pete 70% and the rest is 30%...too much focus on Lun
What up with the worker....crazy ass putting a "claim" on p'k....awww...p'k wants to be there for n'k and take some weight off her shoulders
Ditto.  When I first started this lakorn, I wondered who the real n'ek was, since more screen time was given to her niece.  I even had to check with my mom, LOL, which she assured me that Pat is the main, since the title of the lakorn fits Pat to a T.  Dunno what the writer and director were thinking to be giving the second leads a lot more screen time than the main leads themselves.  The heart of the drama is Pat with her son and to a certain extent, her budding love line with Pete.  Alas, Pat's relationships with her family members, specfically with her adopted son were skimmed through at the beginning and sacrificed for second lead-dom melodrama :le sigh:


sarNie OldFart
agreed....it was sacrifice to the melodrama....
It says a lot when the Pra'nang really shines in those limited scenes


sarNie Egg
Just started watching this. As others have expressed, I wished there was a lot more scenes between Pete and Pat. Cannot stand Run/Lun/annoyingweakcharacter.
I skip her parts in the scripts too. Well, try to.


sarNie OldFart
the mom - I can tell (about him liking pat)  *Dur , you saw them hugging hahaha
Come on now pat...HUG the DUDE, he needs comforting 
LMAO with Ah-tom confrontation w/On


sarNie Egg
The editing for the last 2 episodes felt really odd to me. Maybe it was cause I had those episodes fresh in my mind from reading the scripts. lol The transitions from 1 thing to another was weird.