Bie and Noona recent photos. a fan saw Bie at kfc. Noona waiting to see her fans at an event.
and the other picture of Bie holding RJJ dvd is for auction to help kids with cancer.
She look beautiful. still look good and happy. still wear that ring and wear a red color top (like we know red=in love; like the time she wore a red dress in their meet&greet). so it shows she and Bie are still in love.
why are those people in pantip going dramas about, there is nothing to worried about. I believe Biena is still happy together.
I should have more trust in Biena and I will. won't let those dumb rumors get to me again. Biena forever Yay! haha.
Wish they have a new project together soon. miss them together so much.
hope the new project that Bie will have at the end of the year is with Noona. cross fingers.

credit: Noona ig, sriritui ig, yeepoon_world
some people saw a pic of Bie and Mo taken together in pantip. but just normal picture sit next to eachother and look like the pic was a long time ago. which I find it typical many actresses take pictures with Bie but that doesn't mean that he's seeing all of them. and we can see the pics he took with Noona is much more closer than any other actresses he have work with or met. but so dumb that some people make a big deal after saw his pic with Mo and mock Biena's fans said we're silly to gin them when there is nothing going on between them at all. I say whatever!! to those haters. they are just jealous of Biena, they can't accept that Biena is so close and seeing eachother so wanna break them/their fans apart. just hope more of Biena's fans in pantip will be strong like us ladies in here cause some fans still go dramas after heard all those bad rumors.
and those haters just go more crazy said the photo of two people holding hands is not Bie/Noona but Bie/Mo hands. haha they're so ridiculous to assume such a thing. we can see that it's definitely Biena's hands that is holding eachother. confirm from their fans said remember it was Noona's shoes and Bie's shoes in this pic cause saw them wore these kind of shoes before and that day they took this picture together was the day they went to do the magazine photo shooting. after Bie's manager post this photo of them holding hands she hint that they haven't seen eachother for so long and chat together so much. then after that Noona's manager post Biena's photo at the magazine shoot. and then Noona post her picture with Bie at the magazine shoot said "he came back already..." they all are hinting the same thing, you would be blind not to see that it's definitely Biena's hands that is holding eachother, no doubt about it in my mind. and we can all see the bts fashion pictures they hold eachother hands so tight in front of all their colleagues and even break time they won't let go of eachother hands. so those haters can say whatever they want but not gonna change my mind from Biena and won't stop me to gin them either. I believe Biena does have something going on for sure. and hope Biena will hold eachother hands tight like this forever...won't let go of eachother and walk pass all the obstacles together with strong heart/mind. good luck Biena. hope will see your wedding soon. hehe.
This photos of Biena saids a lot about their feelings for eachother. and I believe my eyes and always remember what Bie saids about him and Noona feelings for eachother and I do believe his words. like Dreamlove said is so true we have to believe in the people we love. trust in their love.