I was too distracted by how unattractive I found Hunz to notice whether they looked cute together or not, and I have always thought Grand's acting was bad.
I think the fact that Dararai ended up as a sister and daughter, respectively, to Luang Thep's sister and mother reveals that they have karma together and that it's fated that Dararai/Pimdao and Luang Thep/Tripope are meant to become a family.
I do feel bad that Yordlah believes so completely that her sister betrayed her and that everyone turned against her. Yordlah seems to be the type to feel deeply, so everything must hurt that much more, but she's also very stubborn and no one can talk any reason to her, which makes her a very scary vengeful ghost since there's nothing scarier than a vengeful ghost who believes in only her version of events without knowing all the facts (in her story, nothing was confirmed or denied by anyone - we never even got to hear if Luang Thep loved her by his own mouth).
Just curious, does anyone else think that the song Luang Thep supposedly wrote for Yordlah was actually for Dararai? Because technically, he didn't say he had written her a song; only that he had written lyrics for her melody (which I guess might mean the same to some people), and when Yordlah asked him what the melody made him think of, he looked up at the stars and said this whole speech about stars, ending with something like "the stars are so mischievous," but the word for stars he specifically used was "dara" and Dararai's name means "star" (Yordlah's means "great earth/land). The lyrics go something like:
Her heart is like the stars in the sky
At times there is evidence of it everywhere
[But] once the moon disappears, it's gone
Leaving me in despair as I search for my star
It's so painful to have to conceal my love
Oh heart, I feel so cold and empty
How long must I wait for my dear star
To return to shine brightly in my heart again?
All I know is that if the song was meant for Dararai, it will kill Yordlah to learn the truth, especially since she thinks of it as "their song." Of course, I could be completely wrong and he had written it for Yordlah after all (but considering the reference to Dararai's name, I hardly think it likely - even Pimdao's name means "star").