It's been a while since I've been here on AF, and there are a lot of things I need to catch up to.
Eeer.. Mos and Pang does NOT look good togethet at all!!
I kind of agree with you, Blissfulxoxo. I'm disappointed as well that Pong was pulled out of this lakorn, and Mos replaced him. There goes our hope of P-team (Pong & Pang
). First time I looked at Mos and Pang, they didn't look good together, but the longer I looked, I realized that they both have big eyes, so they look decent together, if not good.
From the teaser, looks like they'll have decent chemistry, if not explosive lol. I have to say that Mos and Pang match each other more than Vill and Tono. Vill and Tono do NOT look cute/good together to me. Apparently they do to other people if they're suspecting that they like each other that way. :yuck: A little bit disappointed in the pairings, but looking forward anyway to this lakorn. I just hope that it will be as funny as it should be. Hopefully, it's not too pitiful in its comical situations, but the teaser isn't too promising to me lol.