[Ch7] Banlang Hong (Saman Karn lakorn) : Baifern Pimchanok / Michael Pataradet


sarNie Adult
could someone explain what happened in the end? it just happened so suddenly and then all the written stuff i can't read. :sad6:


sarNie Adult
I didn't understand it either. The sister died Right. this is a bad bad lakorn n'ek and p'ek didn't get each other.

could someone explain what happened in the end? it just happened so suddenly and then all the written stuff i can't read. :sad6:


sarNie OldFart
what? i haven't seen any update on thaiflick....i can't read thai...so I skip to the ending...N'k is in Korean and P'k went to find her..it ends p'k spotting her walking away and he is walking after her...ANYone can read thai and tell us what it says?
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sarNie Adult
paging @whitedove , would your thai friend be able to explain what happened at the end for us?

this is probably the most abrupt ending i have seen in a lakorn for a long time. wonder if this was originally planned to end like this or it was changed because of the ratings.


sarNie Adult
paging @whitedove , would your thai friend be able to explain what happened at the end for us?

this is probably the most abrupt ending i have seen in a lakorn for a long time. wonder if this was originally planned to end like this or it was changed because of the ratings.
I'll ask her.


sarNie Egg
According to the Bangkok post, the drama was still filming when it went to air and after the King's passing, the drama had poor ratings. The channel gave an end date for the final episode to air, but they needed at least 2 more episodes but were refused so they had to rush everything in 1 final episode.

Yep, this drama sucked really badly. I liked the first episode and hoped it would be great, seeing as I've never watched Baifern's or Michael's drama before. I didn't finish this.


sarNie OldFart
It seem a bit SLow, But I enjoyed it...esp. in the beginning..middle kinda bleh...later on more pra'nang scenes..this lakorn made me have interest in these two; and to check out their other work. ....o'well i'm a MikeNow fan


sarNie Adult
According to the Bangkok post, the drama was still filming when it went to air and after the King's passing, the drama had poor ratings. The channel gave an end date for the final episode to air, but they needed at least 2 more episodes but were refused so they had to rush everything in 1 final episode.

Yep, this drama sucked really badly. I liked the first episode and hoped it would be great, seeing as I've never watched Baifern's or Michael's drama before. I didn't finish this.
Not only that, but the episodes were cut short due to sports broadcasting. Later the director/producer requested for 2-episode extension but was only granted one. The lakorn ended like that because it was a protest from the production team.

Too bad that Baifern's last lakorn at CH7 ended badly like this.


sarNie Adult
It seem a bit SLow, But I enjoyed it...esp. in the beginning..middle kinda bleh...later on more pra'nang scenes..this lakorn made me have interest in these two; and to check out their other work. ....o'well i'm a MikeNow fan
MikeNow? You meant MikeBaifern?


sarNie Adult
I'm pissed I wasted even a minute on this. I skipped the entire middle part to check out the ending for nothing. I'm going to refuse to watch any of this company's lakorns from now on, even if Mik is in it lol.

I don't buy Tua's explanations. It sounds like he threw a hissy fit when CH7 refused to give him more time. He knew abut the # of episodes Ch7 were giving him for airdates but he refused to cut anything out. He said they couldn't cut anything out beforehand because it was all important to the story. Total BS! I think I watched the first 6 or so episodes and could cut it down to 2. So he refused to cut out all the extra stuff no one cared about or wanted to see but instead cut out all the climax points of the entire story! Even that last episode I fast forwarded 80% of it hoping to get to the big stuff and next thing you know, is a screen saying the end. So I don't blame Ch7 on this one.

Nobody on Pantip that I saw were buying it either. They were calling it the powerpoint ending lol.


sarNie Hatchling
Haha I love Tua as an actor but he sucks as a producer, scriptwriter and director. He's so freakin prideful that he has to do everything himself without the help from others and is so darn ignorant to think that everyone has to understand things from his viewpoint. Instead of accepting his faults, he blames the viewers for not valuing his work which is why this lakorn has done poorly in ratings. Lol. He needs a reality check and Ch7 needs to tell him off.