sarNie Adult
Nam Rapeepat is P'ek, and N'ek is Pim Pimprapa

x0unerthanlater said:The police guy is adorable... but:
he dies. and it's so sad how it happened.
Omg, I miss Wave's p'ek days too! He's still very handsome... just in a more sinister way now. Lol
tgamber said:It's enjoyable with ff. After sapai sai lub's downfall, this seems to be better. Especially after the hysterical Mom's death.
Maya_Fantasy said:
Yes I saw that part, it was so sad.
Dang that girl Pim can sure cries. One scene (don't want to say which one, don't want to spoiled it) but when you watch you will know... she was crying her eyes out and the agony in her crying was so torturing. LOL.
Yep, don't know what happens to him, after he started to date Aon, his p'ek status just gone downhills and he seems to be out of his mind too HAHAHA their relationships was terrible for each other.
Yes if peoples like dramatic lakorn, this is perfect and so much better than SSL with how the story is moving along and not repeating itself unlike SSL.
x0unerthanlater said:
I agree, Pim is a great crier. And she does it beautifully. When her mom died.... she kept crying and crying. Her eyes must hurt at the end of each take. lol
Aon? Not sure who that is but that sucks. He was a good p'ek. Out of his mind too? Wow, relationships can do terrible things to people. Such a shame. He doesn't even look like he use to be p'ek anymore. He looks like he's always been doing rai or a criminal roles.