I concur! I seriously want Pinky and Weir. I think they can pull it off.i'd prefer Pinky & Weir
sorry but "nang tard" and "silamanee" were good remakes. even "meu nang" was good.when ch 7 produces remakes, it ALWAYS goes wrong. it's either they need to find someones new to act rather than the SAME people that plays in everyone of those ch 7 lakorns or they change channels lol...... but for some reason, i have a feeling it might be Pancake again that'll get the leading role hahhaa
sorry but "nang tard" and "silamanee" were good remakes. even "meu nang" was good.
stop, stop! "rahut risaya" is a remake too? i didn't know it! i know "meu nang" is a remake cause my mom said she was watching the old version dubbed by mayura "mother's hand"let me correct myself.. true Nang Tard was good (that's only cause the older cast made it worth watching), Mae Ying was watchable.... Ruhut Rissiya was AWESOME!!! but Silamanee i'mma have to say no. b/c they rushed the ending too much and i never felt the kob and pauls chemistry that was suppose to happen.