I finished watching episode 1 and 2 today!!!! O m g, Kwan's mother is so annoying. I don't like her at all. I felt bad for her ex.

And i also felt bad for the father too that he already died.

Damn, Pra'ek Tle is so mean to Nang'ek Kwan. I understand why he
don't like her but damn he already start kissing her already.hahha. He knows he falling in love with her!! hahahha. I actually can't
wait for the next episode. I usually don't watch ch7's lakorn but I'll watch this for sure for Kwan. Love her. I notices that she don't have
long nails/ fake nails on in this lakorn.hahahah. She usually have them long nails/fake nails on in every lakorn i seen her play in.hahah.
I,also, love the ost too.