Hahhaha! I laughed at that part too, Thookatha, but I tried to let it go as i've learn to accept them bloopers. LOL
Today's episode was soooooo dang cute. It got me squealing and blushing like crazy too! Kan and Mai is toooo darn cute together! Too bad they had a fake kiss. LOL The picture scene was so cute! I love how she's not aware of her actions. She just goes and does it without thinking. Haha. Malai is so annoying. I think she and the bad guy are the most annoying characters in this lakorn. The second guy, whom's name I forgot, is nice but just dorky. Haha
Too bad she's leaving back to the city. We won't get to see the country Rose anymore but the city girl despite the fact that she's going to work in the hotel now.
There were so many cute scenes in todays episode. Heck, all the episodes were cute. I love Tawan's family. They're too funny ands supportive of one another.

I love how they try to distract all the other characters from interfering with Tawan and Rose. When Tawan says, "ROSE," it makes me giddy. Haha I just try to think that Kan is calling me. My name, although he's really calling Mai's character, has never sound so beautiful coming out of anyone's name before. LOL My name sounds so beautiful when he says it. Hahaha!