[Ch7] Mai Sin Rai Fai Sawart (Daravideo)


sarNie OldFart
Haha. I'm so happy to read all of these comments. At least I know that there are still some sane women around here. Hahah. I would never fall for Wee or Kawee, Dome's bipolar character. Lol


sarNie Oldmaid
Oh god Kawee! Dome's horrible acting made it even worse! That lakorn was something else. We should make a thread to vent about the most horrible lakorn we've ever seen.


sarNie Hatchling
Hahahhaha Dome's acting made me cringeeeeeeeeeeeee. LOL I nvr had to forward so many p'ek scenes before lol I wonder what janie is thinking when she have to act With him haha. I think out of all sadistic p'ek, Kade from mia tuean IS the worst lol and the best is probably kawee. He knows what he want and he goes after it. Not like denying like pattawee :(


Dome's character Kawee?? Which lakorn is that?? Are you guys talking about Nakin from Sanaeha Sunya Kaen?? I haven't completed it, but I heard he's bipolar in there. HAHA.


sarNie Oldmaid
OH LORD KADE!! Now HE is the definition of a bipolar kwai. That lakorn was horrible too but I watched til the end. Hey wait, does that make me an idiot too? lol I think so. :loool:


sarNie Oldmaid
phatman said:
Dome's character Kawee?? Which lakorn is that?? Are you guys talking about Nakin from Sanaeha Sunya Kaen?? I haven't completed it, but I heard he's bipolar in there. HAHA.
yeah that lakorn. I don't even remember his name, just went with ChloeRanida579.  Yes he is bipolar. More frustrating then Pattawee.


sarNie Hatchling
@phatman: kawee from Sawan biang loool dome's character is just....weird. unstable. Bipolar, even more bipolar than wee n chit's relationship haha


sarNie Hatchling
Mia Tuean isn't available with eng sub titles after ep 5-6, I think so couldn't watch that either
But even without sub titles, the way the male lead threw and tossed the female lead around was just cringeworthy
Again made no sense why she would like him when he as such an a**h***
And what made him change his flipping mind each time, but you could see him getting jealous and proprietary about her from the beginning


Staff member
I'm going to be honest I didn't even watch Sawan Biang with Ken and Anne :lol: I watched a few episodes, but didn't continue long enough to make it to the R scene because I remembered watching Brooke and Kob's version, and like that version was just horrible. The R-scene in that version was traumatizing for me rofl. 
As for Sunya Kaen Sanae Ha, I don't even get why I finished the entire lakorn the lakorn was just whack. It's like someone gave the lakorn a shot of cocaine and then some strong liquor to try and offset the cocaine, but just made it more high and out of its mind. 
Mia Tuen, that lakorn made me question my sanity  :eek:uch: How in the world did I manage to finish it?? 
Again we're like nang'eks :lol: Watching lakorns that give us emotional distress for our loves like Meow said 


sarNie OldFart
Hahhaha...At least I don't feel alone. I didn't finish Sawan Biang either. I didn't made it to the R scenes but did go back later watched one of it because there were so much hyped about the R scenes.  The only Sawan Biang I watched fully because my mom was so into it is the one with Sam Y and Morandee (Sp). I remembered my mom was going crazy for the lakorn...and the R scene in that one :)
I think the lakorn with Weir and Mai was horrible too...the revenge lakorn (Something Satan). Weir was driving me crazy as Pra'ek in there. But I managed to watched majority of the lakorn though. At the end, I didn't even understand why I sat through it. There are a lot of bipolar Pra'eks to list. Some had the sense to change halfway through the lakorn others wait till the last 2 episodes. But as much as we complain we love to torture ourselves watching still.


Staff member
byebye said:
Hahhaha...At least I don't feel alone. I didn't finish Sawan Biang either. I didn't made it to the R scenes but did go back later watched one of it because there were so much hyped about the R scenes.  The only Sawan Biang I watched fully because my mom was so into it is the one with Sam Y and Morandee (Sp). I remembered my mom was going crazy for the lakorn...and the R scene in that one :)
I think the lakorn with Weir and Mai was horrible too...the revenge lakorn (Something Satan). Weir was driving me crazy as Pra'ek in there. But I managed to watched majority of the lakorn though. At the end, I didn't even understand why I sat through it. There are a lot of bipolar Pra'eks to list. Some had the sense to change halfway through the lakorn others wait till the last 2 episodes. But as much as we complain we love to torture ourselves watching still.
Yeahh the Weir and Mai lakorn was pretty bad, but at least he didn't R her lol. She gave in willingly, but got mad and I guess considered it an R because he didn't tell her he did it because he loved her afterwards :lol: She got angry why she asked him, "Why did you do this?" He was so confused rofl! I think in the old version it was wayy much worst than that. I felt so bad for Mai in that lakorn :lol: She was emotionally abused to the max by Weir. When he kidnapped her and held her hostage from her own family smh..


`my dragon's blood is blue`
*raises hand* Yeah, I was also someone who didn't see Ken & Anne Sawan Bieng. I've been meaning to watch it but never got around to it... >_>
Pattawee is a good sadistic p'ek but we hardly get to see him with our n'ek. I think Him & Som had more bed scenes than him and Chit ever did. All he does his brood and looks angry...


sarNie Juvenile
Haven't catch up on 2 ep. the beginning was so good n its annoying with the side characters.reading your posts are funny n that chit is pregnant when she gets pregnant she got in jail fighting stress and she didnt have sex lately or afterwards. I will still continue this since she pregnant. I luv baby pregnant in lakorn


Staff member
You know I'm not going to lie, but when I was younger I didn't think much was wrong with R scenes in lakorns because I didn't fully grasp what it was. I was a naive person rofl! It wasn't until I was 17*19 that I realized how wrong it was :lol: I remember watching the news, and I was like in college freshmen year and we had to go to this seminar on how to prevent sexual assault. I was floored rofl. I went home and told my parents and they laughed at me so hard. Saying, "That's what you get for watching tomuch lakorns and never the news." I didn't watch the news or anything alot so I never really knew what rape was. I know this sounds very very naive, but sadly true. In school people used the word sexually assaulted and sexually harassed, but I always assumed that it was people making sexual innuendos towards someone else verbally, or forcefully touching someone without their consent. I didn't think anyone in their right mind would really R someone at our age. I even asked my parents how come it's okay when the "Pra'ek R the nang'ek, but not ok when the other guy tries to do it?" My parents never explained it to me because they felt I was too young, after that they started limiting my lakorn watch lol. 
I could imagine how all of that would have been bad for me had I found myself in a situation where someone I was dating or something tried to force themselves on me. I probably would have been stupid enough to think it was ok because this guy is my boyfriend and pra'ek :lol: So I think when parents allow them to watch lakorns they should really clairfy the R-scenes and how they are actually wrong rofl. Don't be like my parents and shield you from the truths because they feel you are tooo young. I now know why my parents were so strict and never let me go anywhere with people, they knew that I was too naive to take care of myself :lol: 
I'm SO glad I didn't say anything to my friends. They probably would have looked at me like I was crazy. I told my husband about this shortly after we got married, and he looked at me like, "What the f*ck?! Did I marry a child?!" 