[Ch7] Mai Sin Rai Fai Sawart (Daravideo)


sarNie Hatchling
"Married a child"!!!
I can picture his reaction
Can't stop laughing

Ok, that was mean but on a serious note, parents shouldn't allow kids to get their sex education from other sources just because they are too embarrassed

It's disastrous.

I have to teach my kid a lot. Recently he thought that girls have a "peepee" like he does and it falls off when they grow up. His friend in prek 4 told him that

WTF moment !! They discuss anything at any age


Staff member
brandygirl said:
"Married a child"!!!
I can picture his reaction
Can't stop laughing

Ok, that was mean but on a serious note, parents shouldn't allow kids to get their sex education from other sources just because they are too embarrassed

It's disastrous.

I have to teach my kid a lot. Recently he thought that girls have a "peepee" like he does and it falls off when they grow up. His friend in prek 4 told him that

WTF moment !! They discuss anything at any age
Lol that wasn't mean because it's true haha, and I agree with the parents teaching their children sex education. My parents always told me it was wrong to let a boy get close to you, but never like any details about sex. I don't really blame them because my parents aren't from America. Someone told them that they shouldn't talk to sex with their kids because if their kids say something at school the teacher might mistake it and report them to child protective services. My parents didn't know much about the laws and such until they decided to study for their citizenship when I was around 18. For Asian parents who were immigrants anything that are told to them about their kids being taken away freaks them out :lol: I remember once the teacher reported me because we had to do a physical and the doctor doing mines was a man and he tried to put his hand on my chest to check my breathing with the scope. I freaked out and pushed his hand away because I had never had a guy doctor before and he was putting his hands in one of the places my parents told me to never let anyone touch :lol: They thought something was wrong with me and that I was having a reaction to previous trauma from being touched in that area. I didn't speak much, but when they finally got me a child psychologist and asked me why didn't I let the doctor check me is it because someone hurt me there before? I was like no my mom and dad told me to never let boys touch that area :lol:
And the thing with your son reminds me of my little sister she was 10 when this happened. We were driving and she got mad at my other sister and told her, "I'm going to rape you." We all looked at each other in shock! When we asked her why she said that she was like "I thought it mean to hurt someone because I always hear it on the news." It broke our heart when we had to tell her what it really was our innocent little sister rofl. 


sarNie Adult
Oh goodness your stories are hilarious!!! But yes i also agree with you on the immigrant parents, and my parents also taught me the same way too. Awww your sister is too cute. This is why kids shouldn't watch these kinds of lakorns.


sarNie Hatchling
I am in the same state as your parents - raised in one culture and now adapting / living in another

No dearth of hilarious moments


Staff member
ChloeRanida579 said:
YOU Guys I Just Realize This Lakorn Is NOT slap/Kiss LOOOL If U Think About it, Chitchaba Only Slapped Wee Once A HAHAHA
Because they know he can't risked getting slapped. He's already mentally disturbed enough, slapping him may cause further damage to his already mentally unstable mind -.-


AsianFemale said:
So the reporter guy is also a p'ek...hahaha but in Boran....I think its airing now too.  :woot2:  :woot:
Yeah, I was gonna say he's CH3's boran pra'ek. Haha.


KhoOnxNouxWanxJai said:
He already has another Boran that ended also ^.^ Mon Nakarat 
I used to watch Boran lakorns. I stopped because I hated their effects and because they have some awful storylines that I just can't digest. HaHa. No offense.


sarNie Hatchling
I remember someone was asking for this song. The song that played during Chit and Wee's sweet kissing scene from ep7
Title: Tell her that I love - The Parkinson
English Translation by Tahmnong @ deungdutjai.com

And who will know the love I have?
I've kept it in my heart for so long, keptit in until it's overflowing
But you're high, too high up
There's no way for my heart to be able to speak for you to listen
But in this moment, right now
I can't keep it in, oh, baby, i'm letting you know
I'll tell you that my entire heart
Do you hear me? I haven't been able to stop it since we first met
I'm weak every time, just looking into your eyes
Oh, baby, oh, baby, I just wanted you to know
It started a long time ago, when we met
But I have only beautiful days when I have you in my heart
I've never let anyone know the love I have 
But believe me, my entire heart, all of it that I have inside is for you
And from today on, from this very moment
I dont want to keep it in, oh baby, i'm letting you know.

The lyrics are soooo sweet. It sounds like what Pattawee would say to Chitchaba once the storm calm down.  :woot2:  :dance1:  :thumbsup:  :heart: