[Ch7] Mai Sin Rai Fai Sawart (Daravideo)


sarNie Oldmaid
brandygirl said:
"Oh man, I missed all that action Haha."
And I saw it but didn't understand anything
And keep bugging everyone here to explain
I'm sorry, i watch this on fwd mode to keep my sanity. Lol


sarNie Egg
ChloeRanida579 said:
Thai lakorns need hong kong tvb forensic and cops in their drama lol so that they won't put just anyone in prison hahaha

But but my heart aches when I see wee in jail although I think he deserves it becuz he sent chit to jail a few eps back
yea it hurts to see the good people in prison. stupid script writer, like we've all said before she needs to go to jail her self. maybe she can write better in there buaahahah don't mind me just venting & ranting my life away hahah


sarNie Oldmaid
Writer if you want to redeem yourself, please have Batman killed Khun Ying for us? On my knees begging.  :worthy:  :lol2:
The reporter just run pass the policemen while being chased by the bad guys, and not ask the policemen for help???  :eyetwitch:   How stupid is that? :shrug:
So sad to see Chit breaks down :bravo:  Kwan did an excellent job with her acting/crying :thumbsup: :bravo:


sarNie Egg
Maya_Fantasy said:
Writer if you want to redeem yourself, please have Batman killed Khun Ying for us? On my knees begging.  :worthy:  :lol2:
The reporter just run pass the policemen while being chased by the bad guys, and not ask the policemen for help???  :eyetwitch:   How stupid is that? :shrug:
So sad to see Chit breaks down :bravo:  Kwan did an excellent job with her acting/crying :thumbsup: :bravo:
yea she's a wonderful actress! I hope to see them on screen together again with a better script tho lol


sarNie Oldmaid
maytenny said:
how the heck did he ended up with the name BATMAN? lmao! that's what I get for skipping to much lol
:lmao2:  HAHAHA I guess you miss the part that he save n'ek Khun Ying from the bad guys and when she ask for his name he said his name is "BATMAN" :lolyup:  HAHAHA :rofl:
maytenny said:
yea she's a wonderful actress! I hope to see them on screen together again with a better script tho lol
I will beg and pray to see them together and a BETTER SCRIPTS too, but right now my hope is slim because this lakorn is terrible and the rating is not good for them to reunite again so soon.


sarNie Egg
great going stupid writer lol
its looks like it might be a depressing ep 13, knowin Wee is going to prison & Chit is going to the funeral, my goodness what a disaster, u guys are so lucky u get to watch it live though, please don't forget to tune us in on the recap for the next episode. I mean we've gone this far might as well finish watching it :yuck:  :woot:  :drools:


sarNie Oldmaid
Ncmeowmeow35 said:
Oh i skipped that part too Maya_Fantasy! Thank god he didn't say Thor or any of the Avengers, I'd be pissed.
:lmao3:  LMAO HAHAHAHA :lolyup: :rofl:
I think the writer wouldn't dare use the Avengers, because is above her logic to include all those powers. The BATMAN has a better logic and match so well with her scripts.  "BATman" or "BADman" make more sense with her stupid baseless scripts. :clap2:


sarNie Hatchling
I am out of likes for the day

I think if they made a sequel with batman and that lady as a slap/kiss, I would totally watch it

Or reporter dude and the silly doctor - she's so dim witted, how did she become a doctor ? And which doc lives in one patients home 24*7 and has no other patients? And what's her specialization - she's qualified to take care of a heart patient and a person who needs psychiatric care???!


sarNie OldFart
Ncmeowmeow35 said:
Oh i skipped that part too Maya_Fantasy! Thank god he didn't say Thor or any of the Avengers, I'd be pissed.
:lmao3:  :lmao3:  :lmao3:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl: Mmm hmm...better be Thor.  


sarNie Oldmaid
:woot:  We are all very crazy along with the lakorn too :loool:  but we are crazy hilarious, and the lakorn is crazy weird! :yahoo:
I miss the beginning of today episode.
I like the way Wee kick asses in prison.
I like that Chit visited him a lot more not just one time like he visited her.
I don't see any softness from Wee toward Chit yet, WTF writer, how much more torture do you have plan for these two before you put the two in each other arms and wrote "end"?
What's wrong with Chit's dialogue? Suddenly she does not have a come back line for Wee? When did she become stupid?
The n'ek Ying is beyond dumb, and p'ek Chai is stupid, if I were him I'll just let the n'ek Ying go with Batman and let her see how Batman is on her own, WTH did you rescue her for? :arrg:
N'ek doctor and n'ek mom finally leave the house.
Chit mention about not letting the baby be born.... ding, ding, ding, :faint:
The Batman, his father and guard is arrested, but the father holding a big card over some high ranking guy, so he'll be out next episode.
The reporter is still the hero of this lakorn.
Can not wait to see what craziness is the writer going to throw at us next episode.
Good thing tomorrow and Tursday I will have Kol Kimono to keep me from going insane. :coverlaf:
Yep me too, ran out of "LIKE" already.


sarNie Hatchling
What? Chit said that she won't let the baby be born? It was just yesterday she was protective over it...what did wee say to piss her off again?


sarNie Hatchling

Link for ep 13 ^

Okie I don't get what's going on lool looks like chit will tell the truth next ep n wee will be out of prison? But it looks like he hate her more ever lol...I don't even know how they're going to reconcile. N omgawd. I think I said this a million times but I have enuff with the side characters. Wtf. 2 episodes left n yet these ppl r not gone yet. How is this titled unending desires when the whole lakorn is based off those side characters ugh so angry. What a waste of ep.

But I'm glad chit is still considering in keeping the baby while hanging out at the orphanage?