[Ch7] Mai Sin Rai Fai Sawart (Daravideo)


`my dragon's blood is blue`
Again, Kaokrua is the one to kill her daughter and blame it on someone else. Technically it was another "accident" but if Kaokrua hadn't tried to push and pull Som, the poor girl wouldn't have gone flying down the stairs and over the banister. What a lousy mom. She's the worst mom in history.
Chit has finally changed her bad habits. She's staying in. She's sober and she's still a nice person. I think what she did for Khun Ying Urasee was waaay too nice. Look at how that stupid Khun Ying acted when Chit was going through something. She was all happy and thinking that Chit deserved it. She's such a two face. No class at all. If she can't see that she's being lead by the nose then she deserves what's going to happen to her. 
Also, that kid's appearance made no sense because in the end they didn't need his statement. What was the point of his screen time in the last 3 episodes? Oh I know, FILLER FILLER FILLER. -_- Useless character the scriptwriter wanted to throw at us.
Plus, how many times are they going to zoom in on that Doctor's face. I don't care if she's yearning for Wee. We all knew she had the tickles for him from the start. She kept denying it, but look at her woeful sorrow filled eyes every time Wee takes care of Som. Ugh. Another useless character. And then she visits Wee in jail too? What is she? Applying for next wifey status? Now that Som is dead, she might think she has a chance.
The most useful character turns out to be the one that was the most annoying at first. The reporter guy is actually a very nice guy. He's been the one to help Chit from the beginning. The Dr. chick doesn't deserve him. He's too good for her.
When they showed the plate of Gooseberries & shrimp paste, it had my mouth watering. Omg, I want some!
p.s. Chit is thinking of going back to Paris to live out her life with her baby. She said once her case has been cleared she was leaving. She even told Som that she didn't want the house anymore and that she was leaving Wee. I'm glad that Som & Chit were able to settle their differences before Som died.


sarNie Adult
x0unerthanlater said:
Again, Kaokrua is the one to kill her daughter and blame it on someone else. Technically it was another "accident" but if Kaokrua hadn't tried to push and pull Som, the poor girl wouldn't have gone flying down the stairs and over the banister. What a lousy mom. She's the worst mom in history.
Chit has finally changed her bad habits. She's staying in. She's sober and she's still a nice person. I think what she did for Khun Ying Urasee was waaay too nice. Look at how that stupid Khun Ying acted when Chit was going through something. She was all happy and thinking that Chit deserved it. She's such a two face. No class at all. If she can't see that she's being lead by the nose then she deserves what's going to happen to her. 
Also, that kid's appearance made no sense because in the end they didn't need his statement. What was the point of his screen time in the last 3 episodes? Oh I know, FILLER FILLER FILLER. -_- Useless character the scriptwriter wanted to throw at us.
Plus, how many times are they going to zoom in on that Doctor's face. I don't care if she's yearning for Wee. We all knew she had the tickles for him from the start. She kept denying it, but look at her woeful sorrow filled eyes every time Wee takes care of Som. Ugh. Another useless character. And then she visits Wee in jail too? What is she? Applying for next wifey status? Now that Som is dead, she might think she has a chance.
The most useful character turns out to be the one that was the most annoying at first. The reporter guy is actually a very nice guy. He's been the one to help Chit from the beginning. The Dr. chick doesn't deserve him. He's too good for her.
When they showed the plate of Gooseberries & shrimp paste, it had my mouth watering. Omg, I want some!
p.s. Chit is thinking of going back to Paris to live out her life with her baby. She said once her case has been cleared she was leaving. She even told Som that she didn't want the house anymore and that she was leaving Wee. I'm glad that Som & Chit were able to settle their differences before Som died.
So that's what went down.
You know from the beginning I always felt that if circumstances had been different Som & Chit would've actually been good friends. I think that would've been a good twist to this lakorn if they had changed that aspect and had the two team up on Wee but whatever lol. Thankfully by the end the two amicably sorted their stuff out before it was too late and now that explains why she ends up back in Paris. So the question is does she keep the child and return to Paris or does she abort/lose it.


`my dragon's blood is blue`
x.ATKD.x said:
So that's what went down.
You know from the beginning I always felt that if circumstances had been different Som & Chit would've actually been good friends. I think that would've been a good twist to this lakorn if they had changed that aspect and had the two team up on Wee but whatever lol. Thankfully by the end the two amicably sorted their stuff out before it was too late and now that explains why she ends up back in Paris. So the question is does she keep the child and return to Paris or does she abort/lose it.
They aren't "bad girls" and they're not mean by nature. It's just the man they got involved with turned them into vicious women who had to defend for their rights. Som was trying to protect her love and keep her place next to Wee. While Chit was trying to protect the house she loves and the memories it holds. I agree with you that they probably would've been friendly with one another if they met under different circumstances. In the end, at least Som understands Chit. That's why Som decided to give her statement to the police and tell them that Chit had nothing to do with her falling. That it was an accident. Chit was also able to apologize and stand on good terms with Som. 
I don't think Chit will abort the baby because she seems protective of the baby already. She's not telling anyone because she doesn't want Wee to know. She knows he would probably try to take claim over the baby. She's afraid she might lose her baby to Wee. (just my guess)


sarNie Hatchling
@x.ATKD.x: I think most likely she wont abort it or miscarried it. I mean it the only thing that gave Wee and Chit a reason to end up together. But from the pictures, I don't know why Chit's bump is not even showing,lol shouldnt it be a few months already?


Mrs. Kim Junsu
This lakorn have too much screen time on the bad ppl especially N'ek Honey and her boy toy.  Hopefully Tui and Kwan next lakorn wont be as disappoint as this one. 


AsianFemale said:
This lakorn have too much screen time on the bad ppl especially N'ek Honey and her boy toy.  Hopefully Tui and Kwan next lakorn wont be as disappoint as this one. 
Will we get a next time? HUHUH.


EP12 Thoughts:
- I can't wait to see Som fall epically. HAHA. I can't believe I just said that.
- Because I practically skipped EP10 and 11, I am so lost. HAHA. I don't know what the heck is going on...
- Did Wee just say that Dr Praewa is a good person?? He's on drugs.
- What is that Dr wearing?? 
- HAHA. Wouldn't it have been nice if Chit threw up on Wee from her window? Or even on nang'ek number 1, aka Som's mom. HAHA.
- A new song!!
- What's up with the boy and that nang'rai. Why are they so important that the writer made them a significant part of the storyline.
- She sure getting a lot of morning sickness. And still as beautiful as ever, haha. 
- I'm glad he doesn't ask her "who is the father??" Haha.
- Wait....what? Som can walk now??? HAHA. Where was I?
- And what's going on? Why are they arguing? Haha.
- Oh lord, HAHAHAHA. Is that scene suppose to be intense and intense? Why am I laughing like it's a comedic scene?? HAHAHA. I can't stop laughing. 
- HAHA Tui's shocked expression is freak'n hilarious.
- Okay someone just fell off your stairs, what do you do?
1: Look at him/her with big huge eyes in shock?
2: Look at him/her with big huge eyes in shock while at the same time sprint to that person to check if he/she is actually still alive?
3: Run away into your room?
Obviously everyone assumes she's dead and just stares blankly at her, while Chit RUNS to her room...???? HAHA. What was she thinking??? I can understand the staring in shock, but wth run into you room? That's running away from  your problems. Oh man, this whole scene needs an award BIG time for worst lakorn scene EVER.
- Can't wait to see Wee take his turn and kick butt in prison. The same prison that Chit served...but with men now. HAHA
- Also can't wait for nang'ek number 3 to get proposed to by pra'ek number 3 and accept it. Yahoo, wedding bells for the Dr who JUST lost her best friend...


sarNie Hatchling
@phatman LOOL nope the worst lakorn award still goes to mia tuean hahaha

the baby sure have some pretty kickass parents LOL

I'm actually very surprised that wee found out chit is pregnant without anyone telling him.


sarNie Hatchling
Who's the next victim in line after Wee??? Som's mom is the pro of killing  :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:  :thumbsup: , wonder if she's gonna fall off the stairs and die like Som did, that stairs is a curse, Wee should install camera to catch the culprit from the beginning, but it's too late now, it's his turn to be in jail next. LoL :woot2:  :woot2:  :woot2:


ChloeRanida579 said:
@phatman LOOL nope the worst lakorn award still goes to mia tuean hahaha

the baby sure have some pretty kickass parents LOL

I'm actually very surprised that wee found out chit is pregnant without anyone telling him.
Oh, I haven't seen that one. Haha.


x0unerthanlater said:
Pretty sure Chit ran to her room to avoid being accused again. What would happen if KK started spewing nonsense. Chit probably ran away thinking, "I ain't taking this sh!t no more!" Lolol
HAHA. She probably be like "nope not me again!" HAHA. "better run away before someone starts pointing fingers."


`my dragon's blood is blue`
phatman said:
HAHA. She probably be like "nope not me again!" HAHA. "better run away before someone starts pointing fingers."
I would have ran too. But at least she saw what happened and was sober this time. From the previous preview, she said she wasn't going to speak on Wee's behalf. She wants him to know what it feels like to be accused of something you didn't do. Serves him right!


sarNie Hatchling
@x0unerthanlater: lol sorry to bother you but can you tell me what wee and chit say to each other when wee confronted her about her being pregnant? Why did she ran to her room crying after?


ChloeRanida579 said:
@phatman: don't bother loool the ranting will never stop even after the lakorn ended lmao
HAHA. I'm sure we'll still be complaining!! HAHA.
x0unerthanlater said:
I would have ran too. But at least she saw what happened and was sober this time. From the previous preview, she said she wasn't going to speak on Wee's behalf. She wants him to know what it feels like to be accused of something you didn't do. Serves him right!
But, but..haha. I wanna be Som's mom. Get myself a boy toy, kill anyone I want and still get away with it, just because I spoke up. HAHA. JK JK.