So much drama next week. T_T Don't want Kwang to break Pu's heart. Episode Five was pretty good. Sayompu is such a smart ass p'ek, lol, when his prostitue lied about being pregnant, he answered back that he couldn't have kids, and then she apologized for lying that she was pregnant. Ugh, can I just say that that was the best p'ek response ever?! ! Lol, couldn't help laugh at her stupidity. I didn't want Wit to turn bad but I guess she is going to turn into the psycho secret lover. Kwang is just too innocent that it gets annoying but yet you can't hate her for being that way. These two's chemistry is a awesome, I have not finned over a couple this crazy in such a long time. Weir is perfection, I don't know how anyone could be this perfect, hahahaha, or how anyone could let him go. Anyways I hate that I can't skip the annoying ppl's scenes since I'm on slow connection which if I ff their scenes, it will cause the video to go cray cray on me. Okay, I'm gonna stop rambling now, can't wait for this week though,love how their misunderstandings in the last episodes didn't last or drag out, love that they could talk to each other.