- Marina ♥
Mahalo said:
thank you so much!!
Mahalo said:
Marina, I decided to give this a try after reading some fellow members' comments on it, and I'm loving it so far! Porshe and Sammie have great chemistry. There are a lot of action scenes, but they aren't badly put together. It's like the wild wild west and the actors are doing a good job pulling off the cool moves. This is my first time watching Porshe and I'm already falling for his character and acting. The boy can cry and he has a killer smile. I love actors who have nice cheesy smiles that make you smile along with them. Haha. As for Sammie, she's gorgeous as always and her acting never disappoints me. She's a little more feisty than her character in Bodyguard Sao, but I'm sure she'll be pulling off the same kickass moves in here. She's really good in action lakorns.huajaikaungtur said:Agree with you, I don't watch much CH7 action lakorns ... They always look so ridiculous in my eyes.
I've never seen Bodyguard Sao w/ Sammie & Es although I've always admired Sammie. She is an actress with a lot of potential.
Yeah, the teasers are focused on the action aspect so I doubt the lakorn will focus on the love story much -.-"
Awe, I was looking forward to Porshe & Sammie.
I don't think he raped her. I believe he set it up that way because it was the best way out for them. Chen wants to still be able to return to Pa Puen Tak. The only way is for him to become his enemy's son in-law because the man basically runs the town. He won't be able to exile him then. Chen can't tell Sammie the truth because she won't agree to it since she doesn't want to return to Pa Puen Tak. I guess he wanted her to think he was her husband so she'd go along with him like a wife would for her own husband.spanky said:sammy is gorgeous...looks hot w/the the cowboy outfit she had on (red skirt)
so far it's not bad..p'k is very touchy and looking from the ending credits they got some cute scenes together...N'k is also fiesty
p'k didn't really rape n'k....he just stage it right??? any1 read summary?
Here's the link:MinsulYaya said:Where did you guys watch it? can someone send me the link? please....