You know what's hilarious/sad? That Krao can be so raeng with Nuch but he can't fight off Lita! She nearly raped him when she came to the farm lol
Man I'm so sick of Lita's face and it's only episode 5!

LOL Chaithong doesn't annoy me as much as Lita. I loved the look on Kraos' face when Nuch passed him and went to Chaithong's car. He was so disappointed, but too bad he couldn't get rid of Lita fast enough.
Sa jai jing jing when Nuch threw Krao's words back at him. "This isn't a hotel. Don't do anything disreputable(?). Have some courtesy for Uncle."
OMG! Krao cried! That was a good scene for Weir and Mai. Krao is so in love with Nuch, her words pierce his heart easily! Both of them felt decieved by the other...
That was so sad! But he deserves it! He makes Nuch cry 10 times more!
After Nuch nearly drowned, it was sweet how Krao hurried out of the car to help Nuch but freaking Lita got in the way! Hrmph! :yuck: So shameless.
I like the way Krao clearly has a conscience that he lets slip without realizing. He tries so hard to get rid of Lita and forgets his revenge when he thinks of Nuch.