Chol Apichart


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ThanamasFanclub said:
Don't you remember who she is? But anyways Chol is better off singing by himself..I don't know why they put him and her together when she's always been singing with that other dude in the production...

rememeber who? ;) well why can't he sing with some better good nice other lady why pick her :blink:


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ThanamasFanclub said:
Because she's the youngest in the production...but i'm saying don't you remember the girl he's singing with?

back then no :lol: but who was that girl?


sarNie Oldmaid
Girl do you ever read the posts lol...But just go back and read..I don't want to type the same thing over and over lol..


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ThanamasFanclub said:
Girl do you ever read the posts lol...But just go back and read..I don't want to type the same thing over and over lol..
that magnor girl ewwwww :wacko: don't like her


sarNie Adult
How does this kind of music sound like? Is it like regular music with the instrument in the back and the singer singing or is it acapello?


sarNie Adult
I mean the "Loog thoog" music that Chol sings. Is it like pop music and all or is it something differnt?


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jeez ann u so slow lol j/k shes saying if the chol songs is loog thoong or pop its all loog thoong rukmos :) like the one in mon rak loog thoong and fon t. not pop or rock and roll ok