Awh! Can't wait to see the full cover! It looks promising!! One of the most breath-taking magazine covers ever!!! :faint: I love nearly everything!!! The only thing I don't really like is the thickness of her eyebrows (and perhaps her eye makeup, since the picture isn't too clear, and I can't see what it really looks like). But that's nothing biggie, since Chompoo still looks amazing. Sadly, due to the blurriness of the photo, she kind of looks like Pinky. :shock2: Lol, anyway, I freakin' love her dress; it's simply elegant and gorgeous, and I would love to wear something like that. <D Her accessories are too well matched, and her pose is
PERFECT... :wub: That is one of the best poses I've ever seen! Her hair is awesome, and her facial expression is good as well.