marduk said:The Harvard prez already said there are innate differences between men and women that makes women less capable at succeeding in math and science fields. He's a smaht kid so he knows what he's talking about. 'Nuff said.
I don't see how our comments were rude either.natty said:how was our comments rude?
its rude because the girl just brought up a topic and YOU choose to read and YOU choose to respond to it.. i'm not saying YOU natty unless it's quilty conscience .. so why say such things like" what you effing blah blah blah" that IS RUDE!! the girl is simply stating a topic which should deal with critical thinking doesn't necessarily mean she went through it .. she just want to hear oppinions about it.. everyone IS ENTITLED to their own oppinion so if this thread becomes a flame thread i can and WILL LOCK it (YOU WILL GET A WARNING AND IF IT'S YOUR THIRD TIME I WILL BAN YOU note: see RULES AND REGULATIONS).. but now all i see is battle of wits.. which is entirely acceptablenatty said:how was our comments rude?
Did I clearify it for you? I'm not biasdude did you like $@*% your professor or something? You seem to have quite a few tirades against men. First it was that "hot guy" of yours and now this one? Maybe you should develop a better judgement with men.
Whoa! I think everyone needs to calm down. Everyone is expressing their opinions and they're passionate about it. So that means it did stir up some thinking and that's a good thing. KT is doing a great job in keeping the peace but I don't think any harm has been done and in all fairness to Natty, she didn't exactly write the bad word down. Yes, we should all keep it PG-13 and keep it civilized. And let's not call people out directly. I think a lot of people other than Natty didn't understand how the comment was rude either.KawaiiTennyo said:its rude because the girl just brought up a topic and YOU choose to read and YOU choose to respond to it.. i'm not saying YOU natty unless it's quilty conscience .. so why say such things like" what you effing blah blah blah" that IS RUDE!! the girl is simply stating a topic which should deal with critical thinking doesn't necessarily mean she went through it .. she just want to hear oppinions about it.. everyone IS ENTITLED to their own oppinion so if this thread becomes a flame thread i can and WILL LOCK it (YOU WILL GET A WARNING AND IF IT'S YOUR THIRD TIME I WILL BAN YOU note: see RULES AND REGULATIONS).. but now all i see is battle of wits.. which is entirely acceptablebut please keep some words out that is NOT for kids that are under 18 !! keep it PG13 please...
and i quote ..
Did I clearify it for you? I'm not bias
hahaha,Mardukmarduk said:So yah, it's the season of giving and forgiveness. Keep the peace. B)
Btw, that's the sunglasses I will be wearing during Christmas in CALIFORNIA.
look sweetie .. i didn't threat .. i was saying it so that we won't be flaming the thread (which was stated in my rules and regulations if you haven't read but if you don't want to follow it don't come in the SHOUTOUT section thank you).. if you're gonna get butt hurt because i said you guys are rude .. it means you are ACCEPTING the fact that you ARE! and i wasn't TALKING about YOU! what don't you not get?!?!? and is the thread LOCK!??!! NO!! so what does that mean!??! you CAN express your oppinion BUT expressing your oppinion doesn't mean saying things like "what you #%$* your professor"? cuz that would be attacking the person NOT stating your oppinion .. like i said before so DROP it .. I'm really trying to be fair ..natty said:whoa.. pulling out the big gun.. threatening to lock it down.... it's great how we cant express our opinions.. and call us rude for just commenting on a thread? if a thread shouldnt be made for comments then dont make it!
girlie when i said YOU doesn't mean im pointing my finger at YOU just at everyone thats reading this thread in general (i put you because you were the one asking me WHY i said people were rude) .. i didn't threat!!!!!!!!!!! i simply state that I WILL if it FLAMES up with everyone's post .. my god child.. you cant see the tone of my voice through the typing so please .. don't be so tenacious about it .. you seem to be oblivious of what i was trying to say .. oh and if you want to post that debate feel free to do so .. because that topic hasn't been brought up yet .. dude i only mod my section and if that bothers you then don't come in here ..natty said:you know what? i did take your comment as directing at me also because you did state "its rude because the girl just brought up a topic and YOU choose to read and YOU choose to respond to it"Â you didnt have to put the wourld YOU in caps but i was another one who did choose to read and choose to respond.. i didnt use any profanity and if my comprehension is good, then i dont see anyone else using profanity too, note even juicee, she asked a question that i'm sure so many people wonder and want to ask but didnt dare to.. the owner of his post came out and totally chew out a particular profession with a comment that said "dont sleep with your college professor or any college professor" so what the world pray tell how we are suppose to respond and also get our question answer?.. and i'm not getting butt hurt but if i'm curious and want to make a statement then i will (i'm sure everyone knows that about me by now).. and i dont see anything wrong with it unless i go out and totally claw out the person i'm responding to... which i'm pretty sure i didnt..
now is it wrong for me to make a comment whether you lock it down or not? in fact i should ask all the admins of every forum that why is it when they see some debate (with the admin or others)Â going on they threaten to lock it down.. i can understand if the post go all crazy with people calling each other names.. but other then.. i call abusing your power..
now if you get butt hurt for this then i didnt mean to either.. i am a fairly rude person when i want to get my opinions across
did you read juicee's comment in the beginning? i quoted it .. and if i was really abusing my power i would lock this thread and ban natty NOW that's ABUSING MY POWER .. the fact that i didn't do anything to anybody and this thread i didn't .. and i keep it open to people who will and are expressing their oppinion even though it's about me .. i'm abusing my power..?? and as for the child comment.. i use that all the time .. im sorry if it offends anyone but that's just the way i talk.. to people my age or younger.. im 19 and i dont know how old natty is .. but if she's offended i apologize ..june said:I dont see anyone being rude, but just stating their own opinions. I dont see any profanity in any previous posts....I dont mean to butt in, but before you call someone a child do a little research about that person. Im pretty sure that you are young yourself. I have to agree with Natty that you are abusing your power as a mod and you claim that you didnt threaten to close this thread. Im kinda lost...I thought you said that earlier in the thread.
do you see that IF? it didn't so I didn't so now tell me HOW am i abusing my power?everyone IS ENTITLED to their own oppinion so if this thread becomes a flame thread i can and WILL LOCK it (YOU WILL GET A WARNING AND IF IT'S YOUR THIRD TIME I WILL BAN YOU note: see RULES AND REGULATIONS).. but now all i see is battle of wits.. which is entirely acceptableÂ