Ladies the truth I haven't been writing in here is because my computer
keeps dying and erasing my things, I got annyoed and quit for a while
but not I'm back on here.
Chapter Six Part 2:
When they arrived the line was long probably reached the next street.
Rita couldn't stand these long lines, very impatient. Rita: "You bring us
to a popular place that probably take all night to get into." Soraya: "Stop
complaining Rita.", Rome: "Yeah listen to your older sister, I have connections."
He walked up to the security, showed them something and they let them in.
Rita: "Show off.", Rome: "Only for you.", Soraya: "Okay stop it you two."
The place was huge, no wonder people wanted to come so bad, celebrities
everywhere. They found seats and order drinks. While Harit was done with Chanel,
she gave him her room number and directions to her hotel. As soon as she left
he threw them away, Harit doesn't chase after girls plus he only need women
for pleasure nothing more. He went back to the club, Harit thought he spot
someone familar, no way can't be Soraya, my lucky day. She was with Rome and
someone else, probably his date. Rome saw Harit approach, Rome: "Rita, this is
Harit my baby brother." Rita: "Nice to meet you.", Harit: "Pleasures all mine."
Rome: "I'm sure you already know Soraya.", Harit: "Hello Docter.", Soraya: "Just
Soraya in public.", Harit: "I never thought a docter like you like these place."
Soraya: "Just celebrating with my sister and Rome.", Rome: "Soraya I forgot to
metion, my mom has a dance studio, she's looking for a couple to help her out
maybe you and Harit can do it.", Soraya: "You dance?", Harit: "Well, who taught
Ken?", Soraya: "(Laughs) I'll think about it.", "Soraya." They turn to a handsome man
staring at them. Soraya: "Chen!", Rita: "Chen!", Harit: "Who?", Soraya: "Chen is my
singing partner at Anne's club.", Harit: "So are you two boyfriend and girlfriend?",
Soraya: "No, just partners that's all.", Chen: "I'm hurt Soraya, we're more than that."
Soraya: "Stop joking around Chen, so how come you are here by yourself?", Chen:
"Just looking for some girls to hang around since you don't claim me.", Rita: "You
can be my boyfriend.", Rome: "No you are with me.", Rita: "Says who?", Rome: "Me."
He grabs her on to the dance floor. Harit: "So Soraya, what about the offer?", Chen: "What
offer?", Soraya: "Oh Harit needs a dancing partner.", Chen: "So you are leaving me to
be with him, I'm dying Soraya.", Soraya: "Stop it Chen, I'm not leaving you. But yes to your
offer Harit, I haven't dance in a while." Harit: "Good." Rome and Rita came back, so girls
followed them asking for his name and number but he shooed them awaya saying he
was already with his wife. Rita elbowed him, after a while Chen left. Soraya: "Rita I think
we should go.", Harit: "Actually Rita would you mind driving Rome home?", Rita: "What
about you?", Harit: "I came with a friend, she, he already left." Rita: "So you can just
drive the both of you home.", Rome: "No, I want RITA! ONLY RITA OR I WON'T GO HOME!"
He grabbed onto her. Soraya: "Rita I think you should drive him home, I'll follow." Harit: "I can
keep you company Soraya." Soraya: "It's okay I can go by myself.", Rita: "Actually Harit I think
you should go with her, just to be safe."